

  By K P PASWAN There is widespread apprehension that a few foreign powers may try to destabilize the political system in India forcing N Modi to vacate hs position for somebody else. This fear is not without logic. In the neighboring countries politicians in power were unceremoniously removed and in one case the PM had to seek temporary stay India. Modi is dependent upon his dubious colleagues for absolute majority. The ruling pary enjoys the support of 240 MP who were elected  by people for the ruling party but these lawmakers are of flexible loyalty and they will not mind switching sides if its beneficial to them. Than there is the grand old part which faced several splits in the paste but retained the name GOP and is an important part of an alliance known as INDI. It is an organization of old sinners, some of them are on bail while others have applied anticipatry for bail and is likely to be granted by the judiciary.  Under such circumstances it is not difficult for a superpower  t


 BY K P PASWAN. Change of Guards in the 10 Downing street is not without problems.  The  PM is facing the  same problems like illegal immigrants and economic strains. Fortunately the Spaniard Jeremy Corbyn has not replaced Sunak as Corbyn was once described as a psychopath. But Starmer cannot expect miracles, with Cobra brigade under his command he failed to contain the riots not seen recent months in UK.  When he storms turn out to be less severe than the the warning  there are always sigh of relief. Illegal migrants has drastically changed the political landscape the entire Europe. Social tensions are rising at a rate of dangerous ISIS, economic crisis is seen and felt by everyone. The days are not far off when the ordinary constables will be equipped with deadly weapons to control the violence.  If the fans of the European union felt better  Geert Wilder  came to short in Dutch  election , they also took heart from the absence of  anti EU firebrands  among the leading contenders of 


By K P PASWAN   We just heard the elimination of a few dreaded Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists by Israel. The assassination of the most corrupt and dreaded terrorist Ismail Haniyeh is much talked about topic throughout the world. A few well known and notorious terrorists and nuclear scientists have been assassinated in Iran and the so called elite Revolutionary Guards of Iran could not save them. In the fourth week of November 2020 Mohsen Fakirzade the famous nuclear scientists was going somewhere along with his wife and was being escorted by Revolutionary Guards. Fakirzade was assassinated by a technology so far unknown in Iran. As per latest report Ismail Haniyeh was in Tehran to participate in the swearing ceremony of the newly elected president. He was residing as a guest in the safest guest house in Tehran.One or two months ago bombs were smuggled and placed in the guest house. There are many loopholes in this theory. The said guest house is subject to through checking by the elite


  By K P Paswan. The Global economy is multipolar and so too is global politics. The US confronts a new economic power as well as new political ideologies. So, what is the role of the US in new political order? There are two economically weak nations with Nukes and these two countries namely Pakistan and N Korea have greatly contributed to the growth of multipolar world. Pakistan, virtually on the brink of bankruptcy glorifies, religious based terrorism and N Korea is behaving like a Super Power while common people suffer from starvation. Iran Why Iran cannot have nukes if a bankrupt Pakistan can? American diplomats ably exploit such doubts Any country should have the right to obtain nuclear technology or even nuclear arms for deterrence, especially if is being threatened by another nuclear technology But we witness that the US still excels in the multipolar world even if its political and economic position has diminished. The US pioneered the brave new world of information technolog


  By K P Paswan.   Iran regularly hurls rocket to Pakistan, but this time Iran sent missiles inside Pakistan destroying a terror out fit and killing a few civilians. But Pakistan does not give real causality.   Pakistan thought that it was  humiliation and retaliated by missiles inside Iran killing at least nine people. So what is common and uncommon. Both are Islamic nations but with different religious ideology. Pakistan is a self-proclaimed theocratic state and the Sunnis Muslims are in majority. Economically Pakistan is an undeclared bankrupt country, searching for a money lender to borrow more and more money. Iran on the other hand is super rich and a country wherein the Shias are in majority. Pakistan is not an oil producing country but Iran is perhaps is a country with the largest deposit of oil and natural gas.   Both Iran and Pakistan glorify terror but there is difference. Iran has no poisonous Wahhabi religious ideology to export; this country is funding terror group