

 BY K P PASWAN. Largest democracy in the world has also largest number of political parties. They fight election based on universal franchise with courage and passion for power. There is nothing like common political ideology as the political parties fight  in the name of caste creed and languages.   Indian politics is caste oriented. Since no caste on its own expect to win an election so they make unethical alliance with other caste leaders. National interest  always comes next to interest of particular castes. In the same way language plays vital role in the politics of South India. Tamil, Telugu and Kenned and Malayalam are spoken by the people of four states. Tamils claim their language as the most beautiful and oldest among all other languages of India. A few of them are under impression that Hindi which is widely spoken is being imposed upon them. But it is a is a myth being  created by certain disgruntled politicians and also by some educated persons who are    presenting un


By K P PASWAN.  Serious politicians always suffer from some forms of acute or chronic diseases. Best health system exists for senior politicians who are in power. Only Coronavirus did not  favor politicians or common voter. These days Comedians are entering into politics but they are behaving more like comedians than politicians,  In India a leading comedian who once was a very good bats man and played many crickets and won applause for his style of batting, suddenly joined a leading political party but failed to become a minister. He became a turncoat and joined a political party which promised him a berth in the cabinet of the most prosperous state of India, he declared himself, indirectly the potential candidate of chief minister and started political campaign by exhibiting his skills as a comedian. Unfortunately his party was routed and he concluded the  election result as the wish of  an unproven almighty.   There is also a famous comedian who is not interested in politics but is


By K P PASWAN India is a land where majority of the people follow Hinduism in different forms and venerate Veda, the holy scripture of Vedic religion. Some of the famous hymns of Veda were composed by learned women like Apala, Ghosha, Lop mudra Kamayani and a few others . But in contemporary India women in every religion are looked down as something like Barbie toy, plays and throw away with full force.  It is now said by priestly class that women and Dalits cannot read holy VEDA but by laws women and Dalits in India can read these holy scriptures.   Gender perspective in Indian politics must be seen in different angle. UK had seen several Queens and women prime minister who contributed to the growth of parliamentary democracy. US has so far not elected any woman as president and there is no hope of any woman occupying White House in near future. If an ageing Joe Bidens retires from active politics than the most dangerous woman of the contemporary world has chance to sit in the


  By K P PASWAN. With the advent of electronics media and spread of internet, some of the self-declared intellectuals and power-hungry politicians in India are finding these electronic medias and newspapers as effective medium to spread misinformation regarding imposition of Hindi upon unwilling people of south India.   India is an open democracy and the freedom of speech is being used as a fundamental right by certain groups to defame their opponents. They are spreading false propaganda in connivance with corrupt politicians just to remain in limelight. One of such propaganda is imposition of Hindi language upon unwilling population. They are advocating English as a national language and declaring all the 22languages mentioned in the 6 th schedule of Indian constitution as the official languages. We do not stop here, one of comedians from south India is advocating to declare India as union of Nations. There was a League Of Nation and now we have united Nations Organisation we