

BY K P PASWAN. Politicians all over the world are behaving  as per their choice and whims. Once elected democratically or undemocratically they behave like prophets and with extraordinary power under command they try to enforce their ideas which may or not may be beneficial to common people They try to centralize political powers in their own hands in the name of democratic principles. These democratic principles are bizarre ideas neither supported nor endorsed by late American president Monroe who defined democracy as for the people, by the people and of the people. Under such circumstances, some intellectuals are suggesting political education for aspiring people who desire a career in national politics.   It is advocated by intellectuals in certain countries that politicians need professional training and education to run the administration of the country..   The question is the subject matter and nature  of education, as every country in the world has people with different


  BY K P PASWAN. In India, a fierce debate is going on regarding religious conversion. Several states have passed laws forbidding forced conversion and interfaith marriage wherein forced conversion is reported. India was divided on the basis of religion and an united India  emerged from political and social chaos. In the constitution there was a proposal to declare India as a Hindu state as Hindus are found only Lime Jews Hindus had no separate home land.  However, the founding fathers of the constitution favored a religious tolerant state with special emphasis to protect minorities like Muslims.   At the time of independence India was a poor state with lowest literacy rate. Ruling elites in the decades of 1950 used to mock Hindus, but these mockers of Hindus won and formed the government. Majority of Indian wanted economic prosperity and they did not mind abusing their religion by prominent leaders. Religion conversion is happening in India from the time Islam and Christianity e


BY K P PASWAN We are living in strange era. In the name of open or restricted democracy, people with different backgrounds are entering in politics. Comedians are contesting election and winning to become president but unable to keep people happy.Priests and holy men are also in the fray. Rise of ISIS was due to ambition of an educated man who spread the terror and committed suicide when encircled by killer squad. Advent of actors in Indian politics may be traced back to MG Ramachandran, who was a successful Tamil actor and proved a competent CM of a Hinduised state.Ramchandran inspired other actors both male and female to flex their muscle in politics and the tradition continues. Before elaborating the parts played by actors in India, we must bear in mind that Donald Trump in his youth was a prominent figure in television. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a celebrated and soldier like brave man of Hollywood and later on became the Governor o California  The present president of Ukraine is a


BY K P PASWAN. In the month of January 2020 India along with countries like Japan, Germany and Brazil and some other countries was on the threshold of challenging the Chinese economy, but the country had to face unprecedented crisis when by March 2020, the Covid-19 engulfed the entire country. Following the social restrictions as suggested by epidemiologists and experts, the Govt had to impose lock down which resulted in mass migration of unskilled labors working in different parts of the country and manufacturing activities were slowed down.  It was a race against time. India lost the battle to equalize its emerging economy with an economy of the rogue neighbor based on currency manipulation and undemocratic principles. The first wave of Covid-19 depressed the enthusiasm of every Indian. There were ups and down between March 2020 to March2021. It appeared that pandemic was  dying and the Secretary of Health declared that the Govt never promised free vaccines to every Indian. Vac