

By K P Paswan. TRUE STORY. There are various faces of corruptions and corrupt persons. But it is difficult to find a real corrupt man with a brilliant mind. In this true story, the corrupt man received bribe from a high-ranking Investigating Officer, who investigated the serious allegations of corruption against the man.   The man is still alive. Retired long ago from the prestigious service, he became a consultant for the persons, who wanted to earn money, safely and silently. He did not open any office for the purpose, but he was widely known for his intelligence. As a consultant, he earned more money, and now in his late 80, he has become an ardent devotee of the most powerful goddess of his religion.   His first and only lesion to his disciples is, don’t accept terms and conditions, laid down by the persons, from whom you are going to receive bribe, set your own terms and conditions and a safe place for exchange of money. Real name of the corrupt officer is withheld, and he


  ( Based on true stories) BY K P PASWAN. A Civil Servant in his early 30s was attending to a money laundering case in which a leading millionaire was accused of cheating the government. It was the month of August in India. There was irregular supply of electricity. Eminent lawyers, having sound knowledge of corporate affairs, were attending the case, and they were trying to browbeat the young Civil Servant by their forceful argument. Senior advocate, representing the businessman, put documents on the table and requested the Civil Servant to go through the documents.   The documents must have weighed more than five kilograms. He talked of violating the fundamental rights of his client and demanded the closure of the case. After he finished his argument, second advocate shouted that the department harassed his respected client so much, that he had fallen sick and had been admitted in a private nursing home . He warned that his client was contemplating filling defamation suit aga

FEW MORE HOURS TO LIVE. Philosophy of Suicide and Suicide Attacks.

   By K P Paswan. Russia leads the nations in suicide rate. But every country in this world is facing growing menace of suicide. In US and China, suicide is very common. In some countries, statistical figures are available while in others, private agencies and electronic media reveal figures. Clinical depression is not the only cause for suicide. Celebrities all over the world are in the habit of taking crystal meth. Unable to bear the decline in popularity in her/his career or no works, they resort to extreme method to end the life. In US and other developed nations, suicide among celebrities, especially connected to film industries, is very common. Experts and psychiatrists have conflicting opinions. Trauma, disturbed childhood, failure in examination,sexual exploitation of young girls and boys and certain kinds of diseases are cited as reasons for suicide. But it is seen that a happy go lucky person, known among his friends as an ideal man, suddenly ends his life. In history sev


By K P PASWAN   We need pollution and pollutants for our survival. We cannot get energy and electricity without coal and petroleum products. Climate change is a different issue, which cannot be solved either by a vaccine or declaration like Tokyo Protocol or Paris Accord . The serious problems of climate change can only be tackled by an enlightened  global approach, which is not going to happen in near or even in distant future.  Every manufacturing units and even articles of daily use, whether big or small are responsible for emission of Carbon Dioxide, Methane gas and other ingredients responsible for hole in Ozone. These industries are necessary for survival, even if it means, inviting disease like Cancer and breathing trouble, for which there is no permanent cure. A teenager like Greta Thunberg is awakening human race for impending doom. But who cares? Every country with an emerging economy. for which an open democracy is of paramount importance.  is always in conflict with