

BY K P PASWAN. It appears that in near future human race on this unfortunate planet is not going to witness real pleasure in their lives. It is because the country, which first reported outbreak of Coronavirus is a leading economic power and and is openly challenging the powerful US.  Leading Virologist Antony Faucy and  Dr Peter Dazsk,  of US, were advocating complete lock down to contain the Delta plus variant of Coronavirus in countries, where there is no sign of marked improvement. Now they have changed their tones and are advocating restrictions, which unfortunately are also not proving beneficial. New variant of Coronavirus known as Delta plus is highly contagious and strike unvaccinated people with lightning speed, forcing hospitalization and in death. HIV AND ANTHONY FAUCCI AND CORONAVIRUS.  There is an intimate relation between HIV and Coronavirus as the man who promised effective treatment for HIV is now a leading authority on Coronavirus .Anthony Fauci, the leading Vir


BY K P PASWAN. Parliament in any democratic country plays an important role in shaping the laws, which are beneficial to majority of people. In a free democracy every citizen, irrespective of caste,  creed and religion  enjoy universal voting rights, and member of parliament are elected by common people, accountable to common people. Parliament has its origin in Britain, from which it spreader to other parts of the world. When President James Monroe of America defined Democracy, as by the people, for the people and of the people, he had in his mind the British system of parliamentary democracy. At that time parliament in Great Britain was in different form, but the members had greater say in running the administration. Perhaps it was United States of America, which introduced an effective system of electing representatives to the Congress. American constitution is not a lengthy book. Constitution is enshrined in a few pages. United Kingdom does not have a written constitution and


BY K P PASWAN.   Meeting between Joe Biden, and Vladimir Putin in Genoa, set the stage for their most passionate argument relating to cyber-attack. Within fifteen days of summit, the world witnessed political drama which may be called as show of strength. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.   “Sinking of British Royal Destroyer will not lead to third world war, so call back your destroyer." Putin warned to Britain, after Britain send the Royal destroyer in the Black Sea, most probably instructed by Pentagon, to express solidarity with Ukraine, which is desperate to join NATO, but opposed by Russia, as it fears surrounding Russia with hostile countries with nuclear arsenals. Interestingly, no EU member supports the entry of Ukraine either in EU or NATO for fear of economic considerations. This incident happened after few days of meeting between Biden and Putin in Genoa. Second world war was fought, when colonialism was breathing heavily. Hitler was bent upon destroying the Jews