BY K P PASWAN It happened long ago in Iran, in 1979/1980, when Raja Shah Pahlavi, the autocrat king, with progressive mind, succumbed to the pressure and uprising of religious fanatics and the Islamic Republic of Iran was borne. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who spend long period in Paris, returned to Iran to impose the decrees of an unproven GOD. He was an insulin diabetic patient. In the bloody French revolution, Robespierre, a revolutionary, played an important role in inciting violence against the supporters of executed king and his family. Under his order hundreds of Frenchmen were executed, and when he failed in his mission to end the anarchy, he was captured and executed. Robespierre, known for his cruelty, was afraid of his death and tried to save his life by hiding in a room, but he had to meet his destiny . Ruhollah Khomeini was an exact replica of Robespierre. Ayatollahs Rohilla Khomeini received the best treatment of Diabetic in France, but his God failed ...