BY K P PASWAN. In recent days Refugees and Immigrants have become headlines of every leading newspapers all over the world. There is a wide difference between these two words, but both are creating political problems for every country. Before going into details as adopted by the UNO, we are constrained to say that the problems in the context of present international politics, emerged with the influx of refugees from poor and underdeveloped countries. We are also constrained to say that UNHCR has failed in is duties for which it was created, With the collapse of colonial powers, the problems of refugees were faced by every country, as the states under colonial rule faced partition, on the basis of religion, tribes and even political affiliations Sectarian conflict was another reason for people fleeing from the oppressors and seeking asylum in a different or friendly country. IMMIGRANTS. We find two groups of immigrants, legal and illegal and of recent origin. In war torn Central ...