

. By K P PASWAN   Before we take up the case, let us know, that by 1925, theory of Relativity as propounded by Einstein, pervaded the entire scientist community of the world. There was too much tension among the theologians, as some of the physicists expressed the opinion, that GOD was made to disappear forever. Einstein had to clarify that his theory had nothing to do with religion. Arthur Eddington. an British Astrophysicist,  proved that Relativity   was right theory of gravitation. He was of the opinion that only three persons in the world, understood the theory of Relativity, these persons were, Einstein,  he,himself( Eddington), he wondered who was the third person, The third person was none other than an Indian physicist, S Chandrasekhar who was working on Relativity. His finding, Collapse of a star to nothing, was denounced by Eddington and Einstein , but Chandrasekhar won the Nobel prize for his discovery and proudly declared himself, an atheist Hindu.  By this time 1925, t


BY K P PASWAN There is a popular movement known as Black Lives Matter, going on in the US. Blacks were brought from Africa and treated like slaves, till President of US, Abraham Lincoln abolished the slavery. In India, the situation is just reverse, Dalits, originally known as Shudras were not brought from some other countries. They were an integral part of a particular faith, practiced by majority of the people. The Religion was known as Vedic Religion or Santana Dharma. The word Hindus, was not known till the arrival of the Arabs. Slavery was not widely practiced in ancient India. Some of the historians point to Dass system in practice, but very little is known as the entire Dalits community were denounced as outcasts.  But in India, it was the British who allowed the Dalits, by a series of laws, the equal status with others. Without the British, the possibilities of Indian Dalits. meeting the fate of Red Indians in US, was certain.   Hinduism, being followed by majority of pe


. BY K P PASWAN. In US, there is a popular movement, Black lives matter , this popular movement may also be called agitation for respecting the Blacks and their rights. It is not proper to accuse all the Americans believing in racial discrimination. Blacks enjoyed powerful position, and one Black was elected as president of US. However, out of contempt Blacks are,sometimes called Niggers which is equivalent to untouchability, used for the Dalits in India.   Nearly three hundred years ago, Blacks were brought mostly from Africa to the US as Slaves, by the British and other colonial powers, and they were subject to torture, and forced to do hard labor for survival. Thomas Jefferson, the famous President of US. had a large number of Black slaves under his command. It was left upon president Abraham Lincoln to abolish slavery, and his progressive step led to his assassination.Abolition of slavery led to other reforms,including right to education and freedom of speech. But discriminatio