At present we are witnessing certain features of new global order. A section of people want to know whether we are heading for a world war. They are mostly confused and thinks that global war means a nuclear war without realizing that Hiroshima and Nagasaki cannot be reenacted and in a new global order even the beggars and bankrupt have nukes. These beggars can glorify but cannot use Nukes as launching of these Nukes mean certainly self-destruction. In the case of N Korea Japan and S Korea will not allow N Korean Nukes to cross the Korean peninsula and in the case of Pakistan, launching of Nukes against means birth of two new nations  taken out from the large swath of the Islamic country.

So, forget about global war and think about regional wars which are going to be frequent in coming years. We are witnessing two regional wars. Ukraine crisis is no more talked about loudly as Russia is virtually racing ahead and Ukraine is sinking. Second regional war is strange and interesting. Groups of terrorists are fighting a tiny nation of Jews. Two groups of terrorists namely Hezbollah and Hamas are fighting with Israel. It is said that from the date of its birth Israel has never lost a war with these terrorists and their supporters and that terrorists have never won a war with Israel. What is strange is that Iran an oil rich and a Shia majority state is funding and sheltering the terrorists to fight Israel and as a consequence terrorists are being butchered like animals causing clinical depression among terrorists and inflicting excruciating to bigots of Iran who are investing in war the outcome is a forgone conclusion.

 It is alleged that Israel is committing genocide of Palestinians, but the bigger question who are being killed? And the answer is that terrorists are meeting their ends as predicted, War of attrition is going on between Iran and Israel, since all wars are like hell so it does not matter who are being killed by whom. Iran during the period when monarchy prevailed was a prosperous and religiously tolerant state, The last king was progressive but ahead of his time. The late king of Iran crushed the bigots with merciless cruelty. On the contrary Kemal Pasha crushed the religious preachers in a different way. Kemal simply asked the religious leaders to keep themselves in religious preaching and leave the administration in the hands of civilians backed by the army. In this manner Kemal Pasha was more successful than the monarch of Iran who became an iconoclast. But we have to examine the economic factor in crushing the religious leaders in both the countries. In comparison to Turkey Iran is rich in oil and gas. Americans and the western countries are applying advanced technology to explore oil and gas. In absence of other minerals, the monarch of Iran had to oblige the US and UK to plunder the oil and gas of Iran while Turkey became a member of NATO in order to protect its territorial integrity from the USSR and other countries. But Turkey remained a sick man of the world.

 A few religious living a luxurious life in Paris launched agitation for toppling the Shaha and establish a regime operated by bigots and fanatics. The late Ruhollah Khumanie created hate against the king so much that common people were ready to die for religion. The abdicated and left Iran at the mercy of bigots who introduced Tribal laws and in the name of religion mass execution of innocents were followed. Any one being suspected of a supporter of the deposed king met gallows. One particular Ayatollah named Ayatollah Khalkhali became famous as hanging judge. Ayatollah Ruhollah  hallah Khomeini was an insulin  independent  diabetic but his religious ideas were so strong that he openly advocated genocide of those opposed to rigorous religious rituals. His supporters also spread the rumors that Khumanie was the same Imam who disappeared thousands years ago to save his life and surprisingly a vast majority of Iranians believed this revelations. And by the time Khumanie dies Iran was a self-declared theological state based upon strange and cruel laws. The late king encouraged education among women and initiated several welfare measures. Modern Iran was built by a ruthless but a broad hearted king.

Iran show down with Israel started as a result of the deposed king’s close proximity with the Jewish state. Small groups Shia Muslims were active against Israel in Lebanon, a Christian majority state. New leaders concluded that opposing Israel would lead Iran to lead the Islamic world as Israel mercilessly defeated Islamic nations in declared war. By Oslo Accord certain understandings were reached between Israel and the Palestinians but an organization known as Hamas opposed the accord and made commitment to erase Israel. This terror group was funded by Islamic nations which suffered at the hands of Israel. In Egypt the Hamas was known as a younger brother of Islamic Brotherhood. Later on Egypt realized the   futility of war with Israel and reached an agreement with Israel. Later on Kamp David Agreement came into force. This agreement was signed by Arafat and the PM of Israel. Unfortunately, the belligerence of Iran and the bellicose utterances of certain Shia leaders removed any scope for peace and the terrorist outfit of Shia Muslims known as Hezbollah was formed. Iran started funding Hezbollah and the Hamas and thereby escalating regional tension. Belligerence of Iran turned entire Middle East into a killing field. It is meaningless to ask in the middle east  Who started the fight. Hamas and Hezbollah unleashed war of terror. Israel retaliated by eliminating terrorists and the civilians who were used as shield by terrorists. Since it is for survival for Israel so this country has become aggressive but its faith in democracy has earned silent support in several Islamic states  No Islamic state wants a sovereign terror state as their neighbor and privately these Islamic states rejoice the victory of Israel over Hamas and the Hezbollah. These two terror organizations have carried several terror attacks against the US and Israel in different countries.


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