BY K P Paswan

 Donald Trump the former president who is again in the race for the WH once described the UNO as obsolete and a picnic spot.   After the end of WW2 there is no peace in the world and fruitless wars like Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan were fought and at present bloody wars are going on full speed in Ukraine and in the Palestine. After the collapse of USSR, cold war also disappeared and the world entered into an era of bloody conflicts. Before there was no globalization of terror but now  terror outfits are here there and every where and what is surprising they are mutating at an alarming speed. We may divide the operations and functions of the UNO in three parts.

From 1950 to 1965 was an era of different type of conflicts. Korea and Germany were divided and  and Japan was bounded by a defense treaty with the US. Colonial powers were declining and newly independent states were clamoring for more foods and freedom. The world was divided into two camps. The Communists were working under the rule of politicians like Stalin of USSR followed by Khrushchev and China was under Mao. There were small countries like Albania, and Cuba with impossible dreams, there were a few more Communists like Romania and undivided Yugoslavia. Opposed to communism were countries like the US, UK and the European countries like France, Italy and a few others.  Former colonial powers were losing their economic stability and the newly freed nations were impressed by the false propaganda of communist countries.  India under Pt Jawaharlal Nehru remained the chief spoke person of those countries known as the non-aligned countries supporting neither USSR nor the USA.

The UNO was working in the interest of the world but its functions suffered owing to creation of Security with five permanent members having power to any proposal not liked by either the US and USSR. In a way the UNO received jolt when several security organisations like NATO, CEATO, CENT, the Warsaw Pact and a few other security organisations were founded.  The UNO was becoming helpless as these defense organisations protected its members from being grabbed by Communists. The USSR reached agreement with communist countries and the birth of Warsaw pact was witnessed. Formation of these defense treaties greatly undermined the authority of the UN O. What is the worse that major part of the cost for the maintains of the UN was borne out by the US which emerged as the richest country in the world. There are several organs of the UN like WHO, International Court and other important organisations depended upon the US for survival. CUBA CRISIS. In 1962 Khrushchev was the strong man of the USSR. He was an experienced hand who worked with Stalin but was not violent. His over ambition resulted in the infamous Cuba crisis. At the request of Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba the USSR deployed nukes and other dreaded missiles in Cuba and the Soviet Union was in a position to encircle the USA and virtually threatened its sovereignty. In the month of Dec1961 the USSR successfully tested thermos nuclear bomb known as the Tsar Bomba with capacity to lampoon savagely the US. Kennedy was the president of the US and it appeared for a while that show down between two superpowers was inevitable.

 If we look  back over the Cuban crisis  we know  we escaped  devastation , but at the time of the Cuban crisis  we were really on a hair  trigger, and only through the responsibility  and good sense of Kennedy and  Khrushchev  and their advisors that  we avoided catastrophe. The nuclear power of the two military giants Russia and the US have the explosive equivalent of   one of the US Air force ,s daisy cutter bombs for each inhabitants  of the US and Europe Utter devastation would have  resulted had this all gone off. UNO T remained a mute spectator and failed to express the opinion of the world.

The threat continued till the end of the Cold war. But looking a century ahead we cannot expect  the present political assignment  to stay constant  In the last century Soviet Union appeared and disappeared  and there were many regional wars. Finally Soviet Union disappeared in 1990 and Russia emerged. F we survive the climate change than within one hundred years, since nuclear weapons cannot be dis invested Even we don’t consider the nuclear threat alone than there is severe  chance , perhaps 50% chance , of some catastrophic setback to civilization by deadly conventional weapons. , there is quite expectation that  that there will be another stand off  as fearsome as the cold war era , perhaps involving  more participants  than just two  and therefore more unstable.

The UNO in its present form is a white elephant. At present there are more than 53 Islamic nations, some of them oil rich while majority of them suffer from poverty and lack of modern education. These people are being guided by their religious scriptures and cannot tolerate open democracy. But surprisingly they are swarming to western countries and are disturbing social and political system of the hosting countries, Emergence of right-wing politics may be attributed to such migrants. We fear Crusade type of genocide as the radicals among Muslims are bent upon creating their influence in western countries. UNO instead of setting guidelines for them is openly siding With them even if these radicals indulge in terror activities. The terms like genocide, slaughter and horrendous killings have no meaning in a society which is bent upon surviving against all odds. Recently the Secretary General of the UNO has been sanctioned because of siding with Iran a country known as the chief source of finance for major terror outfits in the middle east. It is the first instance and is not going to end unless reforms are initiated to make UNO more


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