Change of Guards in the 10 Downing street is not without problems.  The  PM is facing the  same problems like illegal immigrants and economic strains. Fortunately the Spaniard Jeremy Corbyn has not replaced Sunak as Corbyn was once described as a psychopath. But Starmer cannot expect miracles, with Cobra brigade under his command he failed to contain the riots not seen recent months in UK.

 When he storms turn out to be less severe than the the warning  there are always sigh of relief. Illegal migrants has drastically changed the political landscape the entire Europe. Social tensions are rising at a rate of dangerous ISIS, economic crisis is seen and felt by everyone. The days are not far off when the ordinary constables will be equipped with deadly weapons to control the violence.

 If the fans of the European union felt better  Geert Wilder  came to short in Dutch  election , they also took heart from the absence of  anti EU firebrands  among the leading contenders of  for this fall's German election Than came the outstanding performance of  Marine Lee Pen against  Macron. Not so far the English will soon remember that  elections are never the end of  anything, they are a beginning. Forcing voters to abide by rules they dont like  or fear the border's are unsecured, there are good reasons to doubt that  anti UK fever has broken. Starmer faces opposition  on both the far right and the far left Brexit negotiations are proving ugly. In the US the vice president Vance has openly said that UK was first Islamic country with Nukes. And Vance s not far from the naked truth.  

In this age of globalization  there is the question of identity plastics. Globalization dont just move  goods and it is alive  and well, partly because  the problems  that provoked is still with us, It moves people , feeding public anxiety  by shifting the racial , ethnic linguistic  and religious make up of communities , sometimes abruptly. Trump wants to come to power  by leveraging fears  about illegal immigrants stealing  American  jobs. the same fears have gripped the UK. Immigration was also at the heart of Brexit Developed countries have to worry  about waves of illegal immigrants  knocking at the door in search of better life. In many of these countries like the UK and France these illegal migrants live  just next door. Even in countries  with unchallenged boundaries ,racial tribal, ethnic  and religious differences  can become fault lines  when technological change  create economic turmoil. Political opportunism is universal.

The emergence of a middle class all over the world  is one of history's great success. More than two billion people have been  lifted out of poverty,literacy rate has surged and health care is now widespread. But the headlines have all been about  reaction in the UK and in the EU. Globalized trade has hit  manufacturing and technological changes  have transformed the working place. Jobs are being are being eliminated  and the world's original middle classes are shrinking. The native borne recent  immigrants  seeking work in he UK. The debt crisis has plunged UK  into austerity  and others into stagnation  just as the surge of  Middle Eastern refugees  fed fears of crime  terrorism and the loss of national identity.

The debate over illegal  immigrants is subtler  than it seems.But the fears can hardly be dismissed In London illegal population more they doubled to some 220000during the 90 and has since grown to perhaps 425000One result is the swath of local  measures aimed at illegal immigrants. Among the immigrants Pakistanis are hated, Indians are disliked and illegal immigrants from Africa are abused. During the period of Sunak stern measures were proposed to contain the arrival of illegal immigrants but the minister was dismissed and the Labor party created ruckus in the parliament. Economically Pakistanis are not contributing to the economic growth but they are strong and fanatic in religious matters.  Indian Hindus are contributing to the economic growth and religiously they are certainly not fanatic and there are Sikhs who are happy to keep the demand of Khalistan alive and are contributing to the economy of UK. Surprisingly Pakistanis are getting refugees status and enjoy certain religious freedom not available in Pakistan. They are real bigots and source of  dreaded terrorists. Patronizing these immigrants  suggest it is dangerous to appear soft on immigration Than there is the  integration dilemma. When the new PM called an integration summit  immigrants applauded, the new PM was rallying government, business and society  to bring immigrants into the mainstreams. Cobra meeting called following the deadly riots were boycotted by the leaders of minorities  as they are incensed by changes in the international laws  that will make it harder for the foreigners especially the illegal immigrants  to come to Germany.

Freedom of speech  so highly valued in UK  that those protest against this are locked up.That was the contradictory message that  sent out nearly ten years ago when  three Muslims radicals were jailed for six years for their role in a heated protest  outside the Danish embassy in London.the men allegedly  had links to Al Mujahedin , a militant Islamic group is now banned.. These sentences are likely to  deepen the suspicion  some Muslims from Pakistan that  their faith is under attack forgetting that they are living in a country which is mother of parliamentary democracy. Now Geert Wilder has issued clarion call to draw more cartoons of the religious figures and it will be interesting to know the reaction in Britain.Muslims in Britain also demands introduction of Sharia and the establishment of an Islamic parliament.The government is striving  to stamp  out support for  terrorism among the Muslims.

Entire Europe is facing the problems of illegal immigrants. They are creating laws and order problems and are indulged in terror activities. But such situation was created by European countries by encouraging the entry of immigrants. Germany is suffering because of Syrian refugees who are posing serious threat to national security. Europe is heading towards social anarchy


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