It was Munich Olympic, the most bloodiest Olympic games in its history, Three Securities Agencies, CIA, Scotland and German Security Services utterly and miserably failed to predict that terrorists belonging to Al Fateh were going to massacre Sports men from Israel in a gruesome manner, It was a horrendous killing and no country came to rescue to the innocent sports person.

The year was 1972 the heavy chain smoking PM , Golda Mair was unnerved. She had just lost not the fighting soldiers but some players. She called a meeting of MOSSAD and in a cool and calculated manner asked them to find every terrorist in any corner of this planet and terminate in the same manner in which innocent players were butchered. Entire world waited  for the outcome of Golda Mair’s wrath and what than followed frightened entire Middle East and even the political heads were not certain of their lives. The MOSSAD located every terrorist and destroyed him  in the manner never anticipated by any country.

 Yaser Arafat, the most popular and dreaded Chief Of Al Fateh was sitting in his office and was listening to murder of his followers. But Arafat was a different kind of person. Human nature, weapons of choice, long ago he lost interest in the lives of his opponents, But one particular killing or rather elimination of a target by MOSSAD alarmed Arafat.  Rumors were set afloat in France that some of the Al Fateh terrorists were hiding in France. At that time Ayatollah Khomeini Sr was enjoying lavish style of life in Parish, Ayatollah was an Insulin dependent Diabetic and modern Insulin was not available in France, nevertheless Ayatollah was being provided best available treatment. An entire building located not far away from the residence of Ayatollah was blown away as a business tycoon devoted to Arafat and a perpetrator of Munich massacre was present in the building. Ayatollah Khomeini Sr was shifted to a safer palace.  Strongest words of condemnation came from the mouth of the French President but  Golda Mair continued to enjoy smoking.

 It was the killing of this businessman that forced Arafat to resort to Shadow Diplomacy as he himself feared for his life. After years of negotiation with help from France and the US, Arafat and the PM of Israel had golden handshake in presence of US president Bill Clinton and signed an accord with Simon Peres, the PM of Israel. But it was too late for Arafat.. Virtually every member of Al Fateh was living under the shadow of  death from known source MOSSAD had become the number one secret agency leaving behind not only the Scotland yard and MI6 of UK but also CIA of US.

 US is facing regular attack by lone Wolf. In one particular American intelligence found that one preacher from Pakistan caused several attacks  resulted in death of several innocent persons. The preacher disappeared without any trace but continued to preach. Intelligence agency contacted MOSSAD and it was found that the Preacher was residing in Somalia. He was detected and neutralized. A few years back a lone wolf of Afghan Origin massacred more than fifty transgenders in  a night club, he was neutralized and FBI found an I phone in the possession of dead terrorist. The Intelligence contacted Timothy Cook for cracking the code. Tim Cook refused to cooperate in the name of personal liberty and declared that he was proud to be an American Homosexual, no body asked him such an absurd question. Intelligence sought the help of MOSSAD, within hours the code was cracked and all the accomplishes of the Lobe Wolf are languishing in high security prison of US.

 So what is the reason for the outstanding success of MOSSAD, The reason may be described in a few words  that is Instinct for survival and devotion to the sovereignty of nation.

Mod us Operendi of Different Spy Agencies.

MOSSAD picks up its target and eliminates it, the CIA is more generous, it picks its target befriends him/her and eliminates the target.


This particular has increased its activities in recent years in countries like Pakistan, US, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada/ This Spy Agency does not believe in locating a and trigger happy  target, befriending him and eliminating him as there are a large number of dreaded terrorists who mostly are drug dealers and trigger happy killers. Devotion to the land of his birth does not matter They believe in extortion, kidnapping and  causing arson. Majority of them are Taxi Drivers, Carpenters [lumbers, electricians etc. A few of them are also lawyers.

American Intelligence has prepared a report GLOBAL TREND in two Parts. It has horrible predictions. Non states players like hardened criminals and Drug Lords are likely to shape the global politics by 2030, no powerful countries will be in a position to control these criminals as the government itself is likely to be controlled by these criminals. So this Spy Agency contacts several hardened criminals separately and incite them against each other. The job is finished, no eye witness and no accountability. Success rate is very high, it is so because they are involved in gang war, They believe in eliminating their opponents to establish supremacy and control the lucrative business of drug peddling and extortion. They also demand separate for a particular community but they have little or no taker in their home land but the find large number of supporters in a few countries. Needless to say this Spy Agency belongs to India. And for general information it is stated that in the past two traitors who were Prime Minister of this country virtually exposed this Spy Agency to a particular country leading to mayhem and selective killings. There are still a good number of friends of this bankrupt neighbor  with no ideology in India,there is an old goat in India who questions every action of Indian army and the Security agency. it appears a few Indian politicians are going to be non states actors in the report known as GLOBAL TREND.

US is both alarmed and impressed and has issued a circular that hardened criminals wanted by India should protect their lives on them on

 There was also a third traitor as the Prime Minister who silently worked for the  interest of this rogue neighbor. This Spy Agency is popularly known as R&AW. It has survived for the same reasons as Mossad survives that is intense devotion for the mother India against all odds.

Next year there is going to a general election Present PM  is facing an organization formed by his opponents known as I.N.D.I.A. A closer look at this organization reveal that majority of its members are old  Jail birds, some of them have spent some years in jail while  some are awaiting their turn to enter the prison. So what is difference between I.N.D.I.A. and the NDA led by Modi? Both believe in caste oriented politics, both believe in total elimination of helpless Dalits. What is difference between Right Wings and Left Wings in India?. Right Wings preach violence openly while Left preach massacre secretly. NDA also has corrupt members. But Modi is certainly above board. Four years back a survey was conducted in US by a magazine, the subject matter was four honest politicians in the world. These politicians are Jinping of China, Narendra Modi of India, Shinzo Abe of Japan and surprisingly MS Tulsi Gabbard of US. Shinzo Abe is dead. Honest XI is facing another honest politician Narendra Modi.

 Under such circumstances Modi may still be the better choice. But Modi or no Modi, let us hope that there wont be fourth traitor as the PM of India and the R&AW will never be compromised.



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