India as a sovereign country follows an open democratic system. Parliamentary system is the cardinal principle of an open democracy. India is highly and dangerously polarized society. Even after partition of India on the religious ground communal tension between majority and minority is brewing up and in recent years has taken very dangerous level. The religion that is known as Hinduism is found only in India. Beset with rigid caste system it is surprising that this religion survived against all odds. From the period when the Aryans spread throughout India, every village had a king who was at loggerheads with his neighboring king. With passage of time Event Horizon of these tiny kingdoms also increased and   we see emergence of large empires like Mauryan in North India and the Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas in South India but there was no love lost among these so-called powerful kingdoms. Taking advantage of a fragile society the robbers and religious fanatics from Uzbekistan and Afghanistan appeared on the scenes and with military help from these small kingdoms in North India Muslims rules known as Sultanate were established. Sultanate was followed by the Mughals. Most of the kings belonging to Mughals were bigots and believed in plundering temples and converting subjugated  people to their own religions. Mughals ruled most parts of northern India with help from local kings. Some of the impressive architectures were gifted by the Mughals but their bigotry was challenged by the Marathas and a strong firewall was created which virtually turned the later Mughal kings prisoners of impressive Red fort.

 Next the British replaced incompetent native rulers of all over India and united the country under one central authority.

 This blog means the reflection of democratic principles after independence. British left India and the nation was declared an open democracy by the constitutional assembly. In 1956 several states were constituted on the basis of languages. In northern India there are several local dialects and Hindi in Devanagari script emerged as unifying language. So, we find local native dialects like Awadhi, Angakia, Rajasthani etc but Hindi is the unifying language and most of Indians understand Hindi and within years Hindi is going to become one of the languages recognised by the UNO.

Now we come to the political landscape of India. There was no political and social anarchy during the period of first Prime Minister. India did not face the problems related to population. The economy was closed and a number of industries and manufacturing units were established with foreign help. But India remained an under developed country. India also suffered ignonimous defeat at the hands of China in 1962. After Pt Nehru we find political instability and noisy oppositions. Indira Gandhi may be regarded as the strongest political figure of Indian history. It is a fact that economy remained restricted neither Indira Gandhi nor her advisors thought of an emerging economy for India, nevertheless Indira Gandhi continued to attract foreign investment. During her reign India became self sufficient in producing sufficient food grains but no large-scale industries were established and some of the bigger units became sick Indira Gandhi’s greatest contribution was division of Pakistan into two parts and crushing the Khalistan movement for which she was assassinated and with her assassination India witnessed an era of neurotic polarisation. Rajeev Gandhi was a reluctant Prime Minister. He played into the hands of disgruntled coterie. He himself was a modern politician ad prepared the much-awaited ground for opening of Indian economy but his handling of Sri Lankan crisis cost his life. His killers are now enjoying the fruits of political power. Rajeev Gandhi was followed by politicians who cared little for the development of the country and instead tried to glorify themselves among the common people. All these Prime Ministers except Narsingh Rao, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh completed fixed tenures of five years. One of the PMs did not face parliament while another one had to mortgage Gold to tide over finance crisis. Even Atal Bihari Bajpai sacrificed quite a good number of young Commissioned Officers when there was no war between India and Pakistan. He aimed at winning a Nobel for Peace but Vajpayee got neither RAM nor IMAM and the Nobel for peace was awarded to war monger Barack Obama. Manmohan Singh was an economist who utterly failed to give new dimension to Indian economy and India failed to progress and a vibrant and emerging economy alluded India. Economic was opened for foreign investment but for some reasons China attracted more foreign investment than India.

It is only under Narendra Modi that Indian economy is an emerging economy occupying 5th place among the advanced countries even though India is still not a member of G 7 Narendra Modi has emerged as an outstanding Statesman of contemporary politics. The days of humiliations of India are over. In the past India was humiliated by China which invaded India in 1962 and for the first PM of India ,the Chinese aggression was a betrayal of faith as Pt Nehru never expected hostilities from a friend. Than the Russian leader Nikita Khrushchev humiliated India by declaring that China was the brother of USSR while India was just a friend.  The end of Nehru witnessed a struggle for power. For a brief period Lal bahadur Shastri became PM and Pakistan launched attack surprising the international community but India proved a hard nut to crack for Pakistan and India emerged victorious but the PM died in mysterious circumstances in Tashkent. He was followed by Indira Gandhi who was a real patriot ,she liberated East Pakistan from West Pakistan and ignored the threats of US, UK, and Australia. She was assassinated by Khalistan Terrorists. Coming to Narendra Modi it appears that all political ideologies have disappeared and only one ideology is to remove Modi. I.N.D.I,A has been formed to take on Modi, INDIA is a group of corrupt politicians  and let us hope that Modi survives the ant incumbency factor.Politics based on cast and creed is likely to destroy tis ancient civilization. There is small province in South India known for false glorification and is dreaming cultural dominance with English as the common language, with such mentality landscape of India is not attractive



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