At present we find three Atheists, inspiring the world by their wonderful arguments against GOD and religion, Richard Dawkins book GOD DELUSION is being smuggled through internet in the Middle East where this book is banned for sale. What an irony, this book is downloaded in Saudi Arabia and a few enthusiasts have been either jailed or convicted to death.

Sam Harris is an American Neuro Scientist, a brilliant scholar on Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. But the twine towers attack has turned him against a particular religion and proudly declares that war against terrorism means war against Islam. His book THE END OF FAITH, if translated into Arabic is certain to lead violence and the people would forget the massacre of employees of the French Magazine CHARLE HEBDO. He has been accused of suffering from Islamophobia. By heart he is a Democrat, is in the habit of blasting Donald Trump and calls him a hypocrite. He has authored a book, LETTER TO A CHRISTIAN NATION . The third atheist making a mockery of Divine power is Daniel C Donnette, he has authored a book Breaking the Spell. In Physical appearance, he resembles Narendra Modi, the PM of India.

 Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are brilliant scientists and Daniel Dennett is a philosopher and may be compared with  British atheist philosopher Wittgenstein. Richard Dawkins attacks God for sending Tsunami for killing innocent people. His act is balancing Islam and Christianity and condemned Martin Rees, a world-famous astrophysicist for accepting Templeton award which is given to those scientists who present something positive with, sufficient proofs, of religion.

I had an opportunity to listen to Richard Dawkins in the Kolkata book fare when I just finished my post-graduation in physics. After listening to the brilliant biologist of our time, I concluded that I listened to a lecture on geology by a Zoologist. By sheer luck I came closer to a Nobel Laureate in physics who considers himself an avowed atheist, but he is a scholar of GEETA and Upanishads. US has a large number of institutions which imparts education in Sanskrit, and if you want to learn the true meaning and contents of holy scriptures of Vedic religion, you will find US not legging behind India.

It may be noted that Sam Harris spent many years in India and developed liking for Buddhism, Jainism and of course Hinduism. Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris are aggressive in attacking God and religion. Richard Dawkins thinks wrongly that the term God emerges from religion. He forgets that neither Buddhism nor a section of Hindu scriptures believe in a God, who sends tsunami and hurricane to kill innocent people.

PAST ATHEISTS. Germany has always been known as producing excellent scientists and atheists. We know a philosopher, Frederik Nietzsche who declared that GOD was dead meaning end of traditional morality, while one German philosopher declared that he killed GOD, what does it mean? It means God was roaming in Germany with a dagger in his hand and threatening people, so he was caught and killed. Highly qualified and educated philosophers of Germany like Leibniz, discussed the rationality of the universe and their experiences were shared with admiration all over the world. With progress in fundamental science, new facts started emerging, then we find emergence of counter anti atheistic movement in US.

Bertrand Russel and George Bernard Shaw, they were much respected intellectuals of their times. Bertrand Russel, a mathematician and Nobel peace prize winner, became an atheist as the Second Law of thermodynamics led him to believe that human race would face extinction in heat death, while Bernard Shaw, who won Nobel in literature was influenced by prevailing suffering of people due to Second World War. In present time, scientists are not talking of heat death as there are conflicting opinions, whether an expanding universe ever would achieve maximum entropy or disorder?  We are less concerned with heat death or collapse of universe into nothing, because there won’t be any body left to see the apoplectic end of the universe and there won’t be any restaurant at the end of the universe.

LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS, are not the final words of reasons of our existence. Energy cannot be created and destroyed, so there is no need for a creator, Energy can be converted into other things but what whens ENERGY becomes NOTHING, great brains are engaged in cracking the code of NOTHING, if it turns out laws of nature than the first law demands a writer of these laws. The Universe is not static and Roger Penrose is telling us that the present universes from an already existed universe. The Universe is cyclic but it needs an operator, in the case of a static universe, atheists will win the race but the universe is expanding and is not static.

Jacques Monad of France, who was one of the youngest scientists to win a Nobel in medicine was first to denounce existence of divine power and his arguments are more convincing than Richard Dawkins. Monod is convinced that our destiny has not been written, and we are completely at the mercy of evolution. His philosophy greatly influenced the minds of scientists of ours times.

Coming to real issue, Dawkins assaults religion for reasons best known to every educated persons of the world. He forgets that his own country being ruled by overambitious politicians were responsible for the lamentable state affairs and twisted religion as per their wish. Sam Harris launches attack on Islam, forgetting that his own country does not allow entry of liberal Muslims scholars to enter to US but allows Wahhabi and Salafi to flourish and engage in terrorist activities, Richard Dawkins’s motherland UK has become the breeding ground for the worst type of terrorists, ready to die for paradise. The whole of EU is behaving like defender of terrorists in the name of human rights.

 It is unfortunate that a brilliant scholar like Dawkins thinks that evil and goodness may be attributed to selfish jen and not God, but everybody in this world irrespective of religion, believe that human being possesses certain qualities which cannot be proved by Dawkins Selfish Jean and BLIND WATCH MAKER, but these people also don’t think that a divine power is working behind these qualities. Sam Harris being a neuro scientist is perhaps more rational than Richard Dawkins. Sam Harris is outraged that twin tower attack was in the name of protecting religion, but dead terrorist, instead of protecting religion, gave birth to a person like Sam Harris and created persons who hate the religion of terrorists. Baghdadi killed and raped women in the name of punishing the infidels, but he himself met a tragic.

While attacking religion and questioning the existence of a benevolent GOD, Richard Dawkins does not give any scant credit to several brilliant particle physicists, who unraveled the mystery of nature without invoking a supernatural power. There are some atheists who think that by providing relief and help to humankind we can replace God, but this is happening even without atheism. Every state, barring exceptions are engaged in welfare activities meant for every section of society. There are more than 300 Nobel Prise winners in US, in different segments, but mostly in physics, Chemistry and Medicines. There are few American physicists who are willing to accept Richard Dawkins as a living manifestation of destiny, targeting a divine power. Moreover, Dawkins surprisingly calls certain politicians and scientists like Einstein as atheist.

DALAILAMA And Neuroscience,  Dalai lama is very much interested in Neuroscience. Buddhism and certain section of Vedic schools denounce a personal God and Vedic philosophy identified soul with Brahmans which is certainly not God, I am not certain, but a leading scholar told me that entire Buddhism is influenced by a particular Upanishads, which decries soul and God. For Buddhism, Souls are not free from the cycle of death and rebirth and here Neuroscience plays important role in understanding human nature. When a few learned American Physicists from Mount Palomar, (famous for one of the largest observatories) visited His Holiness Dalai lama, the later asked the physicists the latest discovery and news from Mount Palomar, after listening to physicists Dalai lama told them “So now we have a position”. Sam Harris, himself well versed in Buddhism and Neuroscience may realise the significance of Dalai lama’s observations. In the same way Richard Dawkins attacks an unproven divine power for human sufferings, but he must be aware of those suffering, which led to the emergence of Prince Siddhartha as Lord Buddha, we call him an atheist but he remains silent when asked about a creator.

 Daniel Dinette listens to latest developments in physics but he does not think that science has reached its zenith, his way of denouncing God and religion is quite different’

 FINAL WORDS. The Universe is expanding but the question is expansion from what and expansion into what? In the same way Evolution from what and into what? Neither Dawkins nor Sam Harris can answer. Physicists are trying to find an answer. We are certain that we will find answer, then it is possible that religion itself becomes a form of science. And in the changed scenario no religion with violence can hope to survive. These three atheists Richard Hawkins’s Harris and Daniel Dennett are great atheists and brilliant scientists, but not great philosophers, in fact they are very bad philosopher. Atheists movement has badly failed to generate enough strength in the world. Philips Johnson, the most renowned Creationist accepts that evolution has taking place, but he insists more on selection, and the question is selection by whom?  Evolution without Selection badly assaults the writer of BLIND WATCH MAKER, as per Richard Dawkins, we the human being select the future, but human being is not the ultimate target of evolution, selection would lead to a new form of species with artificial intelligence, but we are not certain and no scientists worth the name are certain. Stefen Joy Gould who advocated the compatibility of science and religion and before his death suspected outside influence for guiding the universe.  Stephen joy Gould was not an atheist but an agnostic and one of the greatest Paleontologist of our time for whom neither Dawkins, Harris or Dennett have even scant respect.



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