Secularism is not defined in any constitution of any country of the world. Separating Church or religion from state is taken as Secularism, this concept is widely used and misused . In India, secularism  is the most abused word and surprisingly this word is being misused in India by those politicians and persons who are self-proclaimed intellectuals. Most of educated persons think that secularism means separation of religion from the state. It means state cannot preach and encourage a particular religion. We find in modern world that barring Islamic countries every country preach secularism. In India secularism means a person in political power cannot practice his own religion. These educated persons with neurotic personality are responsible all types pf social and political troubles in India.

 In US Jim Matis declared one America and one religion as the aim of political parties without disturbing constitution. In US Church has been separated from the state but we find rich Americans contributing to the growth of Christianity and major Western powers spread modern education by opening a large number of educational centers. These efforts contributed to the growth of scientific temper and encouraged rational thinking.

Religion has played an important role in the development of modern science. In ancient times preacher like St Augustine  and the Archbishop of Cantbury contributed the scientific reasons for the presence of a creator.

 Western concept of secularism is not conservative in the sense that liberals and orthodox were always in conflict with each others.Birth of Protestant is the result of such conflicts  In Europe every country was a Christian majority states so the religious figures were encouraged to spread  Christianity in the colonial states . But at home the politicians in power never allowed religious leaders to interfere in administration. To avoid clash with religions it was separated from state and religion became a personal choice. In France and Germany religious leaders tried to enforce their unscientific ideas and the result was in 1905 France declared a different type of Secularism, France declared itself a nation free from religion.

There is marked difference between freedom of religion and freedom from religion. France is a Catholic dominated country with a large section of Muslims from Algeria, Morocco and other Muslim countries. These immigrants do not enjoy freedom associated with democracy in the countries of their birth, so they are still rigid in their personal belief.  Conflict of civilization is seen not only in France but in every country of EU. France has taken the 1905 resolution by which France was declared a country which enjoys the concept’’ Free from Religion’’ and now the minority has no option but follow the rules governing social.political.and religious beliefs In modern society there is no place for religion intolerance.

 In India we find a different type of secularism preached by a few politicians and intellectuals. This type of secularism is beyond the understanding of common people. These secularists go beyond the concept  as prevail in France and want the Govt to refrain from indulging in religious activities associated with majority community. They argue in the air and get much publicity Such type of intellectuals were responsible in the past for creating mischief. They forget that modern India is a gift from the British empire, the King/Queen of UK is also the Defender of Faith and not the destroyer of religion. It also appears that Indian secularists call themselves as Fundamental Secularists and support terrorists committed abroad by religious terrorists and describe them as the victims of foreign powers. This is far from the truth. Religion has never been a binding force between human being. But some religious are bent upon creating fear psychoses in the society. Al Qaeda was borne in Saudi Arabia with a determination to throw away the autocratic rule and impose the religious laws. But Al Qaeda was expelled from Saudi Arabia and found safe sanctuary in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They carried twine tower attacks and got themselves destroyed by the mighty nation, Except Turkey there is no place for secularism in an Islamic nation where minority is taught the supremacy of a particular religion. There is nothing wrong to describe one’s religion as superior but what is wrong is the suppression of minorities.

 It is also said that secularism can play pivotal role in a polarized society as diversity encourages religion tolerance. Is there any proof? There are several countries which are dangerously polarized society, but secularism is not practiced. The country known as India was divided on the basis of religion so after 75 years India was bound to be nation of diverse culture with maximum religious tolerance but the result is just opposite. Religious tensions prevail in India. UK is facing worst type of radicalisation  owing  a particular religion. UK has given birth to several dreaded terrorists and is a perfect breeding ground of terrorists who ready to fight and die for religion.

 In India secularism is likely to be influenced by success or failure of religious based terrorism in other countries. Politicians are using secularism and religion to settle personal and political scores.  Those who are opposed to any kind of secularism are being patronized by rich and famous.

 In Turkey vulgar display of  western style of secularism being protected by the army was rejected by common people but they also refused to accept the hegemony of religious leaders. In the name of secularism, consuming of alcohol and nude dance in  places of worships were put to  end by Recep Tayyib Erdogan, the current president of Turkey. I purchased a copy of Satanic Verses in Turkey, In India this book is banned, it is doubtful if politicians and intellectuals have even read few pages of this book. An educated Indian lady uttered something the head of a religion, in most of European countries people will not mind such type of comments, but in India several organisations demanded the head of the woman.

 FINAL THOUGHT. Secularism is the corner stone and fundamental of a democracy. But it cannot succeed unless it is defined in a clear language. Our neighboring countries boast of secularism but religion intolerance is at its zenith.  In Africa in most of the country’s secularism has no place. Tribal conflicts and sectarian killings are very common and run contrary to the principle of both democracy and secularism. This will continue till dooms day.


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