These days US is sanctioning many states on the basis of violation of human rights. India has been warned against violations of human rights. India unlike many neighboring countries is highly and dangerously polarized society. In 1947 India was divided on the basis of religion and a separate state for Muslim was formed but the problems of communalism remain in India and there is no end of communal tension in sight. Some of disgruntled politicians in power claim themselves as secular but once he fears losing his position he would not mind taking shelter in a communal party. This is happening in India from the date of its birth.

 But there is another type of human rights violation and few intellectuals have given even slight attention to the problems. India is the home of a large number of Dalits who are declared part of Hindu religion. From ancient times these Dalits who are also called Untouchables are facing worst type of apartheid. Thanks to the colonial rule and the impact of western education, these Dalits have been placed on equal footing with other people belonging to high caste. In services these Dalits along with Tribal enjoy reservation which are being opposed in the name of merit. The Merit has not been defined in any political set up of any nation of the world. Merit is a relative term and if reservation for Dalit is ended than there must be viable alternative, surprisingly a large number of educated Caste Hindus advocate special package for Dalits. This is welcome suggestion but special packages have bben misused by bureaucrats and politicians in power. This raises question whether Dalit lives matter in India and the final answer is NO. At the same time, we must acknowledge that reservation is not the final answer, there are hundred cases where an educated family of Dalit has availed reservation for Group one services denying the same to other Dalits.


The Colonial power tried to give separate identity to Dalits but was opposed by Mahatma Gandhi. This surprising as when Kemal Pasha abolished the tyrannical regime of The Ottoman empire in Turkey, Mahatma under the influence of Shaukat Ali and Rahmat Ali supported the demand for restoration of Ottoman power. In the entire world British India was the only country which supported the restoration of anarchy in Turkey. And when the British introduced the bill for separate system of representation for Dalits, Mahatma threatened to undergo fast.  There were many western educated freedom fighters but they supported the restoration of Ottoman empire. The Bill was withdrawn. But the freedom fighters failed to propose alternative. They accused the British of separating the Dalits from the Hindu religion. It is surprising as Dalits were identified with Vedic religion. Mahatma was aware of apartheid being practiced in South Africa. So, apartheid became an integral part of Indian society. It is not known that whether freedom fighters who opposed separate representation for the Dalits were Hindus or not, but surprising thing is that a separate sovereign country was carved out for a particular group of people, and Dalits were provided reservation in services annoying the entire Caste Hindu.

REASONS. Indian politics is caste ridden. Here election is fought in the name of castes. This started from the period when first general election was held. In a large number of places Dalits were prevented from exercising voting rights as the ballot papers were either snatched or there was massive rigging. In fact, these democratic elections were stolen. System somewhat improved with introduction of electronic voting machines.

 COMPLICATIONS. In reserved parliamentary constituency a Dalit has to depend upon some influential persons belonging to upper castes who always have their personal agendas in mind. For example, in a reserved constituency the Dalits may constitute 20 to 30 % of total votes so a Dalit candidate has to seek the support of persons belonging to upper castes to win the election. In that cast the winner has to toe the line of person who supported the Dalit to win the election. This defeats the purpose of reservation in legislature. Then there are the problems of reservation in educational institutions like medical and engineering.  Dalits and Tribal get reservation and we see Dalits and Tribal as doctors and technocrats. Questions are being raised pertaining to sound knowledge of medicines and technology. It is argued that patients shall go to a competent doctor and not to a less competent doctor selected on the basis of reservation. There is some logic in this argument If we accept the arguments than alternatives may be searched which is impossible; Dalits and Tribal admitted on the basis of reservation may annoy girls and boys belonging to upper castes.

 This type of Apartheid is found in almost every part of the country. In south part of India people vote in the name of castes and there is widespread agitation supporting and opposing reservation.  Fortunately, Caste war has not been noticed but the real reason is conversion of Dalits by people of other religion. We see agitations against conversion and the West accuse India of violating human rights. 

REMEDY. Only remedy is available to anti Reservationists is financial aid to Dalits and Tribal but no abolition of Caste system and Apartheid. In Jharkhand a lady I.A.S officer was found to grab nearly Rs which were allotted for MANREGA most of the labours are poor Dalits Tribal and other castes. In fact, fund given for development of Tribal and Dalits are vulnerable to grabbing by corrupt officers this is happening everywhere in India. In Bihar known for scams and caste census, a scam known as Srijan Scam is being investigated. A large amount  money meant for poor Dalits and Tribals were grabbed by officers, many I.A.S officers are involved and nothing is going to happen to culprits as money was meant for welfare of Dalits..

 CONCLUSION. WE have to revisit history. The Dalits and Tribal should be separated from the upper cast dominated religion. This was the proposal of the Colonial Empire. In the legislature only the Dalits and Tribal may be allowed to exercise the right of franchise. Spread of education and interfaith marriage have affected the great religion but this religion is declining. Grievances of upper castes and the sufferings of Dalits have to be attended with utmost care. At present the ruling party openly preach discrimination against Dalits. The PM of India emerged as a brilliant Statesman of international politics but he is showing symptoms of a Lame Duck PM, this is the greatest


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