
By K P Paswan.

Present American political system is a mixture of extreme form of liberalism and and opposition of the same by the opponents, Despite of best vaccines available in US more than one million Americans have lost their lives and President is helpless as he cannot enforce even mask mandate by an executive order because of  judiciary 's interference.

India is following the principles of open democracy. US has a different system of democracy in which sovereignty lie with common Americans, There is Gun Cultures in US which are going to stay and executive order to limit damage is not going to work unless both Republicans and Democrats sit together and amend the constitution. Indian political system is based upon parliamentary of government. Here sovereigntyalso lie with people and the parliament cannot amend basic structures of the constitution. Like US. Parliament, Judiciary and the Executive are pillars of strong democratic principles but open democracy as seen in US is not applicable to the entire world. It is wrong to say that unity lies in diversity, bloody sectarian conflicts are common in a diverse society, every groups try to safeguard its interest.

FLUCTUATING RELATIONS. US and India share fluctuating relations ever since India was declared as republic. There were only two superpowers and both of them divided the world as per their sphere of influence but India maintained neutrality even at the height of cold war. India received food stuffs from US and also received financial assistance for its economic progress. But US remained closer to Pakistan for its strategic importance.  In !970 when India fought Pakistan, Richard Nixon sent war ships in the Indian ocean to keep pressure upon India which was neutralized by Russian warships. Pakistan an Islamic state remained as a potential rival of India. Pakistan continued to receive massive military support from US.

Pakistan lost its importance with collapse of USSR.  Russia before disappearance of communism created chaos in Afghanistan and suddenly Pakistan once again came closer to US. American fought in Afghanistan the longest battle and withdrew suddenly. Pakistan was at the receiving end because of its proximity with China. After collapse of Communism and opening of Indian economy there was increased partnership and changing dynamics between Indian and US in various fields. This is seen in the field of autos, exploration of oil and gas. purchasing Boeing air plane and above all in information technology. At government level India purchased defense related goods and strengthened its defense against any external aggression.


Both India and US suffered the brutality of Coronavirus. it was a different kind of disaster. There was no medicines but there was death in the worst possible manner. The pandemic broke out in Jan2020 and the PM Modi had to impose lock down. Using mask cleaning hand and maintaining social were preventive measures but not the curative treatment. Both the countries were sincerely trying  to manufacture vaccines and within short period US manufactured three most effective vaccines while a little later India introduced two vaccines. But US suffered much because of opposition of vaccines.

 Than war erupted in Ukraine.. It is not proper to elaborate the nature and cause of war. Ukraine crisis is nothing but a show of strength between two superpowers. India suffered because there was economic sanctions against Russia and India could not buy defense materials and oil from that country. It is a double blow to Indian economy but India somehow managed to avert the economic catastrophe, if the war is prolonged than India is going to suffer. In that case weakening of  Indian economy is not in the interest of US.

 US has become the largest producer of oil and natural gas  Saudi Arabia and other oil rich kingdoms of Central Asia cannot dictate the oil policy of the world. Iran is also under sanctions but US has not opposed India for importing  oil from Iran but not beyond certain points. In the latest development India has emerged as a perfect neutral power. US is expected to honor the sovereignty of India. India is a member of QUAD, an Asian version of NATO but it is the cardinal responsibility of US to see that Ukraine like situations are not created in South Pacific.

 A friendly regime for US has emerged in Pakistan which is bent upon creating chaos in India in the name of religion and human right violations. But the rogue nations is a theocratic state and certainly will seek US assistance in carrying terror activities in India. Fortunately present situation in US is such that strategic importance of India is more apparent than Pakistan. But strategic convergence between India ans US is not possible. India has border dispute with China, in a recent border skirmishes India lost nearly 20 soldiers but according to a journal published from Texas in US , China lost more than 100 lives . US knows the actual position but its closeness with China precludes Pentagon from revealing actual causalities from Chinese side. From present administration, India expects US to play important role in arriving at border settlement with China. In the past US supported Pakistan and China against India and this needs rectification as the situation in international politics demands closer relations between India and US.

SECURITY THREAT. Whenever Indian sovereignty was in danger US never supported India, it is so because, pressure by Pakistan. This is against the democratic principles followed by US. Pakistan is a self proclaimed theocratic state committed to glorify religion and terrorism.  India is facing threats from the Radicals. Just to ensure peace India joined QUAD which has been declared as anti China by XiJinping.  US is not pressurizing China to settle border dispute with India by dialogue. American’s silence has emboldened China.

 Ukraine war is nearing its end, US may badly need the Indian help in giving a new dimension to  balance of economic power. Russia and China cannot be ignored but they must be convinced that world peace cannot be guaranteed by any particular country and every country has to take the responsibility for maintaining peace

FINAL THOUGHT. US is a superpower it needs to understand nature of Indian politics and culture of Indian society, then India may feel the positive impact of American political philosophy.  


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