India is a land where majority of the people follow Hinduism in different forms and venerate Veda, the holy scripture of Vedic religion. Some of the famous hymns of Veda were composed by learned women like Apala, Ghosha, Lop mudra Kamayani and a few others. But in contemporary India women in every religion are looked down as something like Barbie toy, plays and throw away with full force.
It is now said by priestly class that women and Dalits cannot read holy VEDA but by laws women and Dalits in India can read these holy scriptures.
Gender perspective in Indian politics must be seen in different angle. UK had seen several Queens and women prime minister who contributed to the growth of parliamentary democracy. US has so far not elected any woman as president and there is no hope of any woman occupying White House in near future. If an ageing Joe Bidens retires from active politics than the most dangerous woman of the contemporary world has chance to sit in the Oval Office for a few months as she does not enjoy popular support.
Despite of notorious for burning of young brides for not bringing sufficient dowry, there is no gender discrimination in India. India has seen one charismatic woman as the PM who sacrificed her life for the country. Indian has also seen a woman as the president of India. Indians have seen and are seeing women as being appointed as Governor of a state and several women are working as judges of High Courts and even in the supreme court.
Women participated in large number when agitation for a free India was launched. Some of the women are remembered for initiating social reforms while a few are also admired for taking arms against the colonial power.
COLOR AND RACE. Every country in the world finds problems relating to race and color. India is not the only country of the land of diversity. Women in north east resemble with Chinese race while in South Indian state of Tamilnadu most of the people are of dark skinned, one state. We find high rate of literacy among people of southern states and for this credit goes to foreign missionaries. But the society remains dominated by male. Some of women are working in different govt and private organisations but they face discrimination, and there is little that these women can do except going to judiciary for justice only to be denied. In India there is law for every crimes but these laws are in favor of rich clients and common man and women continue to suffer.
In the south we find black and fair skinned people. After independent spread of education among women led to greater political and social awareness. There is high percentage of literacy in Kerala but the violence against women continues to grow. This is surprising as these educated women are supposed to inspire the male dominated culture and politics of Hindi belt. Intermixing of people of different color may prove beneficial for working of gender perspective but this is just a speculation.
CO -EDUCATION. In India there used to be separate school and colleges for girls and boys, but with passage of time we see institutions where girls and boys study together. From various researches and survey it appears that girls are more devoted to education than boys. There are cases of sexual exploitation of helpless girls both by teachers and affluent boys. In most of the cases girls are married before graduation and their dream of higher study is shattered. Child marriage is not rare. Now with exposure of Indian society to the west parents in India are more conscious of education of their daughters. A working woman is preferred by educated husband to cope with rising prices.
In India educated women are qualifying for administrative services. They are occupying high position in police services, but due to gender inequality these women are still not getting much respect from society. While making appointment for certain posts deserving women are not given their due position which result in despair and frustration. There was a proposal to reserve certain percentage of women in Parliament and the state legislature but the proposal has been thrown in the dustbin. Women are competing for All India Services. These women officers are known for their efficiency but in their own offices, owing to gender inequality empowering women is difficult if not impossible.
In the film industries gender perspective works in different ways. Woman cannot gain even small role without begging to producer, if she is related to any film actor than there is no problem,but for new aspirant exploitation is very common. In the field of modelling situation in India is not different from West. Girls in and around New Delhi predominate modelling industries but we find male and female models from other countries gaining popularity in India. As per their lavish style it appears they are untouched by gender perspective but in reality, situation is difficult to evaluate.
In rural areas birth of a girl child is not welcomed. Importance is given to male child. Reasons behind murder of new borne girl is heavy expenses in the marriage of the girl. Prospective groom in India thinks it is his birth right to demand cash and expensive luxurious items at the time of marriage. There is a strict law to punish dowry seekers but such type of laws are not followed strictly and what is worse anti dowry laws have become a source of income for corrupt police and also sometimes for the bride and her family to harass the groom for reasons never revealed. The Apex Court has made sweeping comment that certain laws are being misused by the bride’s family to serve personal interest.
We also find certain cities infamous for molesting women whether belonging to south, west, east or north. Women from north east are taunted as drug addicts even after knowing that in Punjab maximum number of drug addicts are found.
ARMY. Gender based discrimination is sometimes reported from Indian army. It was only after the intervention of the Apex court that women in army were given the power to combat. Only female physicians were allowed to join army and several of them got elevated to higher rank. National Defence Academy is opened for women. Not only in army but in police forces like BSF, and CRPF proper norms are being followed and gender related discrimination is rarely reported because of social stigma.
In western countries violent protests are being staged against gender bias but no such protests have ever been seen in India. In such circumstances woman may become either a mental patient or even resort to unlawful activities.
Politics and society in India complement with each other. If a woman belong to a particular political party she is likely to be mocked by the opposition party. Society is divided into caste and sub castes each having its own set of ideology and woman may find herself at the receiving end. She will not be protected by any section of society if she is discriminated. Women are not given reservation simply because male dominated politics hate the very idea of being dictated by women.
FINAL THOUGHT. Working of gender perspective in Indian politics and society is not different from other countries. This is a universal truth.
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