There is no good example of mixing politics with religion, as both are poles apart in modern world. In ancient times good governance meant the religious nature of the state. Wars were fought not only to expand the geographical limit of the kingdom but also  to expand the religion of the winner kings.

 One particular religion still believes in spreading religion by indulging in violent activities. In Europe Crusade took place between two major religions and continued for more than one hundred year. There were no actual winners. Political scientists in ancient time openly espoused the cause of religion. Till the end of 19th century we find every known country being guided by religious philosophy.

 But it is a hard truth that religion played important part in contributing to modern science. A few scientists like Galileo was punished by religious leaders for scientific thinking while scientists  like Newton and Charles Darwin prepared the ground of knowing the universe in a different ways and their contributions to our understanding of nature were appreciated. Politics in modern era means a particular ideology or set of ideologies. Karl Marx denounced religion as opium and postulated a different type of political philosophy. But his philosophy failed to knock out religion. In communist countries there was no question of mixing religion with politics as religious was denounced as opium. Controversial metaphysical philosophy known as dialectical materialism was introduced to deny the existence of a super natural power.

 However, US the most advanced and powerful nation of our solar system is certainly a secular country but its foreign policy is greatly influenced by religion. A former national security advisor of the former president Donald Trump has expressed his desire in one America with one religion. For spreading religion, liberal grants are given by politicians in connivance with rich in US. Philippines and Korea (South) were converted by American missionaries.  Nothing is wrong in spreading religion by fair means but this smells good example of mixing  religion with politics.

Vatican receives large funds from all over the world and by mixing religion with politics,Vatican is spreading quality education and affordable health services to the poor all over the world. Some of radical reforms have been criticized by the followers of Vatican.

 United Kingdom is a Christian country, the Queen/King is declared as the Defender of Faith yet we find a large number of people belonging to other faiths occupying important position in the government. There is even talk of selecting a prime minister belonging to faith other than Christianity. However, it is a wishful thinking to say that UK is going to be an Islamic country. Germany to some extent has turned itself into an Arab country but majority of Germans are still Christian.

 We may say that in UK there is mixing of religion with politics as on the basis of religion no political discrimination against any non-Christian is seen. But there is other side of story. UK has become fertile ground of religious based terrorism and some of the dreaded terrorists fought on behalf of ISIS belonged to UK.

 In India there is certainly mixing of religion with national politics but in this country, religion is caste-oriented.  Election cannot be fought without mixing religion with politics. No body whether leftists or rights follow the principles of secularism. Defection by politicians from secular politics to religion-based politics and vice versa is good example of mixing religion with politics.

 Pakistan is an Islamic republic but parliamentary democracy is functioning in a rational manner. Sharia laws are in force but there is an independent and strong judiciary. In Pakistan strict religious punishment are being advocated  by religious fanatics.  Pakistan is  trying unsuccessfully to lead the entire Islamic world by mixing Islam with politics, but educated Pakistanis do not like medieval system of politics and are attracted to western system of jurisprudence

In poor countries mixing of religious with politics is detrimental to emerging economy. In every country we find division of society on the basis of religion. Removal of poverty is not possible without taking into confidence of the people belonging to all faiths. Albania is a small country in Europe, population of Muslims is hardly 52% but still it is a self-proclaimed theocratic state and people are not economically well off. Albanians are migrating to advanced countries in search of better employment.

 In France secularism does not mean freedom of religion but it means freedom from religion. Taking advantage of this definition of secularism, a large number of Muslims from Algeria and other Islamic countries immigrated to France and these immigrants succeeded in mixing their religion with national politics and they are influencing the national government. The result is the birth of right wings groups of Catholics who want mixing religion with politics to counter the radicals. Same thing is happening in Germany and in other European countries.

 In almost every Islamic state, we find mixing of religion with politics, but it is difficult to say whether these theocratic states have contributed to peace and calm in the world. In 1979 Iran declared itself as an Islamic republic and religion was mixed with politics. There was mass genocide of people opposed to Islamic state.  Politicians of these theocratic countries claim themselves as faithful soldiers of God. Religious leaders in Iran are carrying out execution of people without a fair trial.

Devastation of Middle East is a good example of mixing religion with politics, this cannot be denied.

 Afghanistan is a country where religion is mixed with politics and the religious preachers have founded their own way to run the administration. Afghanistan is under the control of Talibans fanatics who places their creator above God and want to export their ideology of terror all over the world but it appears that there is hardly  any taker of ideology conceived and propagated by Talibans.

There is only one country in this planet which has ended the label Sick man of Europe and that country is Turkey. With the advent of Erdogan as president of Turkey, Saudi Arabia was closely drawn towards Turkey. Turkey was fed up with vulgar display of western style of secularism. By a series of electrol reforms Erdogan concentrated political powers in his hand and with the help of oil rich Saudi Arabia, Erdogan turned a sick economy into an emerging economy.Erdogan as a dictator cannot revive the Ottoman empire but by mixing religion with politics he has   lifted people of Turkey from poverty and malnutrition. For president Erdogan mixing of religion with politics means industrial development and he has achieved his lofty dream.

FINAL THOUGHT. Mixing of religion of with politics is seen  in every country of the world, whether it is good or bad no political scientist can decide, it depends upon the political agenda of the ruling party.




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