Politicians all over the world are behaving  as per their choice and whims. Once elected democratically or undemocratically they behave like prophets and with extraordinary power under command they try to enforce their ideas which may or not may be beneficial to common people They try to centralize political powers in their own hands in the name of democratic principles. These democratic principles are bizarre ideas neither supported nor endorsed by late American president Monroe who defined democracy as for the people, by the people and of the people. Under such circumstances, some intellectuals are suggesting political education for aspiring people who desire a career in national politics.

 It is advocated by intellectuals in certain countries that politicians need professional training and education to run the administration of the country..

 The question is the subject matter and nature  of education, as every country in the world has people with different needs and even the nature of politics like division of society on the basis of caste and language  is not identical. Rich try to become richer by hook and crook and if not succeeded they resort to unfair means to amasses wealth. Than there is important question who will supervise the training of these politicians? Political scientists derive political ideology from the writings of Plato, Aristotle and other thinkers of ancient world. With progress in society several political thinkers emerged especially in Europe who inspired the contemporary political structure of various countries, Such political ideology was greatly influenced by religious scriptures.  In fact, religion is still playing important role in shaping the political agenda of a country.  Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is a democratically elected dictator and has turned to religion to remain in power. In the Islamic states it is religion and scriptures which are more important than formal training in politics. 

American foreign policy is greatly influenced by religion. For Taliban, religion and not training of politicians decides the nature of governance.

In Latin America most of the elected heads of government are highly educated having received their education in reputed colleges but most of these politicians care little for education and are engaging in patronizing drug cartels for survival. Without the active support of drug traffickers and money launderers these politicians cannot retain their power. In Africa, several heads of state tried in vain to extend the tenure of their terms by unfair means.It is impossible to talk of political education for such type of political thugs.

 No education can lead to paradigm shift in the attitude of ambitious politicians. Karl Marx was a great political thinker and the communist ideology once was feared as the mother of all political ideology but it failed badly. Marxist philosophy is still being taught in every leading schools and college throughout the world but politically this ideology cannot succeed and even a trained and highly educated politicians may find it difficult to enforce this political philosophy upon unwilling subjects.

Herbert Spencer propounded the theory that only the fittest can survive which means, poor and oppressed have no place in politics. His views are still practiced and admired by certain politicians while ruling the country but Herald Lasky whose political theory of state is the corner stone of modern political science is opposed to Spencer’s political education. Chanakya in ancient India and one Italian political thinker favors deceptions and espionage for the rulers for smooth functioning of state, several secret agencies are sincerely following such policy for spying against other states, such ideologies are also applied in corporate world where espionage and counter espionage are common features.  Ancient political thinker like Augustine laid greater emphasis on good governance which is not followed but is being taught in every university.

  Political training is needed in the functioning of state legislature. Politicians are trained in the corridor of elected assembly, politicians are being kept abreast of latest political and economic situation in the country. If politicians are forced to acquire the political skills in running the administration, there must be external and internal agencies to supervise the success or failure of such training. Judiciary  being an internal agency may supervise, but baring exception judges are appointed by elected members and may be removed by the politicians if judiciary goes against the wishes of powerful politicians. United nations may play important role in monitoring the nature of internal politics of member states. But present UNO has become toothless and cannot exercise power to even admonish bad administration.

 However international organisations like World Bank, IMF, WHO, WTO and international court of criminal justice are providing education and guidance to the world and such type of guidance may be treated as formal training to politicians.

Specific professional training to politicians is likely to fail. Administration of a nation depends upon certain categories of dedicated professionals. Without technical skills, economic activities cannot be boosted, without engineers, construction activities and creation of infrastructures cannot be imagined.  Modern states whether democratic or dictatorship is a welfare state. For creating health infrastructure politicians are bound to seek advice from medical professionals and in the banking sectors, nothing moves without financial skills for which services of economists are imperative. Moreover, in present days world, every country has become interdependent. Globalization is certainly not the answer for economic prosperity and political stability, but has opened  window from which politicians, even less educated, may see a world filled with deception. Clever politicians may device ways and means to avert deceptive politics. Political and social turmoil in different parts of the world bear testimony of a world dominated by neurotic politicians for whom professional training do not matter much, once in power they will do what they deem to do and no training is going to change the  politics.

 In western system of democracy, specific training or education for politicians may not serve any purpose at all. They are elected for a fixed tenure and try to amass wealth by corrupt means. China is not following the western system of democracy but has emerged an economic super power, but it does not mean every country will emerge economically strong if they follow Chinese ways of democracy, Soviet Union  tried to follow Chinese system of carrying out the government but ended in a fractured Russia, and lost its status of superpower.

 FINAL THOUGHT. Every political head needs to give proper attention to skilled work force, technocrats and financial experts otherwise such politicians will be thrown out of power. Incompetent politicians and in some cases even highly educated heads of states are facing the wrath of common people against the misrule and corruption.Politicians must be forced by the people to abide by the laws of the land and listen to advice of professionals.Politicians in power do not need any specific teaching or training



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