We are living in strange era. In the name of open or restricted democracy, people with different backgrounds are entering in politics. Comedians are contesting election and winning to become president but unable to keep people happy.Priests and holy men are also in the fray. Rise of ISIS was due to ambition of an educated man who spread the terror and committed suicide when encircled by killer squad.

Advent of actors in Indian politics may be traced back to MG Ramachandran, who was a successful Tamil actor and proved a competent CM of a Hinduised state.Ramchandran inspired other actors both male and female to flex their muscle in politics and the tradition continues.

  1. Before elaborating the parts played by actors in India, we must bear in mind that Donald Trump in his youth was a prominent figure in television. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a celebrated and soldier like brave man of Hollywood and later on became the Governor o California  The present president of Ukraine is a celebrated Comedians and appeared in many television series.In India southern states but mainly Tamilnadu is dominated by male and female actors. They were democratically elected by people who were enthralled by their performance in big screen/ Karunanidhi and Jaylalita were CM of Tamilnadu for a long time and during their reign, other  political parties failed badly to secure sufficient seats in the state legislature.

GOOD OR BAD. By their performance the development of the state was as usual, in other words even without MG Ramchandran, Karunanidhi and Jaylalita Tamilnadu would have progressed as the education and industrial policy are to some extent decided by the central government.We find widespread nepotism during the period of Karunanidhi who excelled in depicting himself as mythological character in Tamil movies. He had many wives and his sons and daughter are occupying high position in the administration.A few of them are elected legislatures or member of parliament. The present CM of this state  was not an actor in real sense but being the son of a leading actor he is doing well. 

Karunanidhi, now dead, was a corrupt and encouraged nepotism and corruption. While there was nothing surprising launching agitation against imposition oh Hindi, Karunanidhi's leaning towards Tamil tigers was against national interest. He was able to accomodate all his relatives in politics and they are known for more about amassing wealth than even slight contribution to acting.

Jaylalita was perhaps the most celebrated actor and an astute politician, Social tension in southern states, Tamilnadu in particular between Brahmins and Non Brahmins is like a chronic disease which is difficult to treat whether the Chief Minister is Brahmins or a Non Brahmin, Jaylalita was a Brahmin and won the applaud of every section of the society.  She was also a devoted Hindu and religious by heart. Credit goes to her for not forcing her personal agenda on the people. Both as politician and actor she was pragmatic in her approach. Political parties in Tamilnadu is obsessed with anti Hindi feeling and in the past, we have seen violent demonstration against imposition of Hindi. It is interesting to note that excellent Hindi movies were produced in Tamilnadu and some of the Tamil actors made remarkable contribution to Hindi cinema.

A true and interesting meeting with Jaylalita by a group of young Officers during their training period is narrated here. The Group consisted of six officers, now posted in different corners of the world. Out of six, two were from Hindi heartlands. At that time anti Hindi agitation was being spearheaded by a prominent politician who was also a rival of Jaylalita. As soon as these two officers gave in brief their back ground, Jaylalita started speaking in chaste Hindi.One of the officers, now posted somewhere in Latin America still maintains Jaylalita as the most efficient Hindi speakers, he thinks that Jailalita was proficient in Hindi language, he refuses to compare one particular PM )( now dead), known for forceful speech in Hindi with the late CM cum actor of Tamilnadu..

Unfortunately Jaylalita was also accused of amassing wealth by corrupt means. After her death one of her closed associate was jailed for corrupt practices. However situation has changed and no actors worth the  name has succeeded in carving out a glamorous position in Tamilnadu. The present CM of Tamilnadu happens to be a son of former CM, who was a famous actor, indulged in anti Hindi agitation and mocked the Tamil Brahmins

In other states leading political parties are patronizing actors to gain public support but their performance is not appreciated by voters In undivided Andhra, N T Ramarao was a celebrated actor of Telugu cinema and joined politics, He became CM by democratic means and was known for appearing in public in strange dress. He was known for aspiring to become the PM of India, encouraged corruption and nepotism. After his demise his son in law became CM by weaning election and he is known for revolutionize information technology and amassing wealth by dubious means.In the last election he was defeated and now he is keeping low profile.

One particular actor who was known as king of Hindi Cinema before2000 was once elected to parliament but he preferred acting and left politics. He was falsely accused by a neurotic but honest PM of India of accepting bribes in the notorious Bofors deal, the actor resigned from parliament, his wife is now a member of Upper Chamber of the Indian parliament from a political party, known for committing atrocities against Dalits and indulging in caste ism. Several other actors have tried their luck in politics by fighting general election but have badly failed.

Actors in a few states succeeded in politics as they had support of common people and these actors discarded and discouraged caste system. From their entry into politics it was presumed that they may succeed in weakening the caste oriented politics but it did not happen. They also fought election in northern India in the name of religion and caste and won the election. A few actors were nominated to Upper Chambers but almost all of them did not participate in debate and the proceedings of house was unaffected.

It is also seen that many actors from Hindi cinema were elected member of Parliament but they rarely participated in debate  and were criticized for their prolonged absence

FINAL THOUGHT. Except Tamilnadu and for a short period in Andhra, actors in India have failed to contribute stability and clean administration. They are able to draw huge public gathering bit failed to convert them to votes. Indian politics is unlikely to change with or without their entry.


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