It was presumed that mass vaccination of people to combat the deadly Coronavirus was the beginning of the end but there is no end in sight. Detection of a new variant B,1,1,529, supposed to be more destructive than Delta plus reflects the mutation ability of the elusive virus. New variant christened by WHO as OMICRON and declared a variant of concern is posing the greatest challenge to science,as the essential characteristics of this new variant is not known.

New variant was first reported in South Africa and its neighbors like Botswana, Lesotho and was carried to Hongkong, UK and a few other European country. But its real origin is not known. A report from Netherlands claimed that that variant was present in Netherlands much before it was reported in Africa. Anthony Fauccy, the outspoken and controversial expert in US jumped to the conclusion that new variant might have entered US undetected. Entire Europe and US are in the grip of Delta plus. There is no scarcity of vaccines which are certainly not perfect, but efficient enough to hibernate the virus. There are virologists who declare that new variant has the ability to reduce the efficiency of vaccines, at the same time they advocate mass vaccination.

These experts by indulging in conflicting opinions are creating confusion all over the world, but nothing can be done as epidemiologists and virologists are in great demands for wrong reasons. With limited but latest data, Omicron variant is not going to become a serious threat to our attempts to fight the virus, which has virtually convulsed the entire world.

UNTOUCHABLE SOUTH AFRICA. New variant was detected accidentally by a private practitioner named Ms Angelique Coetzee in South Pretoria who witnessed unusual but mild symptoms among her few patients, some of them were vaccinated but they were exhibiting  unusual mild symptoms and were treated at home.That virtually settles the problems pertaining to brutality of Coronavirus. As soon as South Africa reported a new variant, in a knee jerk reaction several western countries declared South Africa as untouchables and suspended flights to and from  South Africa.

 South Africa has better health infrastructure than all of the advanced countries of Europe, but vaccination covered only 6% of population. Just as entire Europe is battling the deadly  Delta plus variant, the whole of Africa is in the grip of HIV, that is the reason for the heavy loss of lives as HIV patients are immune compromised. Unlike EU, South Africa is not a hoarder of vaccines and is purchasing vaccines at high rate. South Africa is using Astra Zeneca, J&J and mRNA to vaccinate entire population. As per reports from South Africa and UK, Omicron might have emerged from an untreated HIV patient or from a persons suffering from  flue.

  Whether current vaccines, especially mRNA needs modification is difficult to predict.  WHO is certain about the high rate of transmissible, but renowned experts are supporting mass vaccination. It is clear that certain groups are bent upon creating misinformation. Omicron has 30 to 50 mutations in the spike protein region and makes the variant potential to develop an immune escape mechanism. If this is proved than mRNA vaccines may be slightly affected but may not need modification. However Pfizer went ahead and manufactured vaccines exclusively for OMICRON but there are no takers.

 There is report new variant of OMICRON BA--2 which is highly transmissible but not more than dangerous of original OMICRON, but South African experts claimed that the new variant even highly transmissible, does not escape immunity, meaning vaccines protect against the infection caused by new variant. There is no effect on Oxygen level nor loss of smell  was noticed. Doctors in South Africa claimed that unvaccinated people are vulnerable to Omicron and danger is being exaggerated by media and certain epidemiologists who have also emerged with new variant.

HOARDING. Entire Europe and certain countries are hoarding vaccines. Infection in Germany is alarming as the causality is mounting and the successor of Angela Merkel is advocating lock down followed by mass jab. Situation in other European countries is not different.

 US suffered heavily and Joe Biden’s promised to free US from Delta plus by 4th July2021,  but failed to keep his promise.Infection has virtually lowered the ranking of the president. US president is unable to convince the groups of people, who oppose jab on religious ground that their lives matter more than their faiths and religion has nothing to do with composition of vaccines. US judiciary is favouring  people with death wish, who oppose mandating vaccines and mask. Mounting death has given an opportunity to former president Donald Trump to launch blistering attack on the health policy pursued by the administration. Anthony Fauci is giving sermons every day but with no effect. It is not known, on what ground, Fauci is telling the Americans that new variant OMICRON had already arrived in US, if it is so than genomic sequencing failed to detect the variant in time. Once he doubted the urgency of booster but now he supports booster for every adult Americans.

Infection in Czechoslovakia and Hungry is out of control and massive hoarding of mRNA and J&J vaccines have failed to ameliorate the situation.

 It appears Russian Vaccines Sputnik and  Chinese made vaccines have failed to produce desired result. These two countries are not giving correct data of death due to infection.

The latest confusion is with regard to booster or additional dose. It is crystal clear, the  Coronavirus is fast turning into an infection for the unvaccinated. Europe is suffering because rich countries have hoarded vaccines and are unable to convince the people that vaccination is the weapon to defeat the virus. There is nothing like vaccine nationalization. US has best vaccines but certain groups of American people are opposing jabs and mask mandate on religious grounds.  Appearance of Omicron indicates that like Spanish flue Corona is not going to disappear and will remain active as endemic.   What is the long-term solution?

Epidemiologists and Virologists cannot suggest permanent solution as they cannot predict the behavior of corona virus. They are in the habit of making tall and false claims. By declaring South Africa as untouchables, these experts have unsuccessfully tried to hide the failure of affluent countries in controlling the infection..

In South Africa,the deadly virus is yet to be contained. Same situation prevails in US. India with only one vaccine AstraZeneca is doing quite well. Another vaccines Covaxin is suffering from problems relating to production and distribution. Vaccination of the entire population of the earth including children above the age of five  is going to be a herculean task. It is not known the duration when the vaccines fail to sustain immunity, so booster ose is being proposed in US and also in some other countries of the earth

In US booster dose is to be administered to all adults with special emphasis on patient/persons with comorbidity. Initially booster dose was recommended for persons above70. WHO and some other real experts have denounced booster as scam as there are billions of people who have not received first dose. A close study of treatment pattern reveal that booster may not succeed in eliminating the infection, need of the hour is  to vaccinate every adult with full doses and an additional dose may be given to highly vulnerable people. Some of the pharma giants are bent upon minting money by compromising the precious lives of people. Those who oppose vaccination may be punished by making their life hell. New Chancellor  of Germany has given the slogan “Get jabbed or get infection and die”.

  Nature has its own way to punish the hoarders and the enemy of poor. Hoarding of vaccines by rich countries has boomeranged. By hoarding vaccines, they have deprived the poor nations of Africa and Asia of the benefit of vaccination. 

It is also reported that efficacy of vaccines may remain intact if mask is mandated, but a large number of people in US and EU are  dead against any protective measures. Violent street protests in entire Europe and Australia against lock down and restrictions mean more infection and more deaths.

  Now there are effective but expensive pills like Molnupiravir,Paxolovid and Sotromivab ( Recently approved in UK) to treat the brutal variant of virus. These drugs are expensive and  beyond the reach of poor people. 

FINAL THOUGHT. It appears that Coronavirus with all its variants are gradually fading, but nothing is certain. 2022 is likely to see universal vaccines capable to crush all types of variants. This is the hope of human race


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