In the month of January 2020 India along with countries like Japan, Germany and Brazil and some other countries was on the threshold of challenging the Chinese economy, but the country had to face unprecedented crisis when by March 2020, the Covid-19 engulfed the entire country. Following the social restrictions as suggested by epidemiologists and experts, the Govt had to impose lock down which resulted in mass migration of unskilled labors working in different parts of the country and manufacturing activities were slowed down.

 It was a race against time. India lost the battle to equalize its emerging economy with an economy of the rogue neighbor based on currency manipulation and undemocratic principles. The first wave of Covid-19 depressed the enthusiasm of every Indian. There were ups and down between March 2020 to March2021. It appeared that pandemic was  dying and the Secretary of Health declared that the Govt never promised free vaccines to every Indian. Vaccines were introduced and two vaccines manufactured in India were permitted for emergency use, but mass vaccination was not possible as there was less production than demand. Common people wrongly thought that the pandemic was over and they lowered the guard against protection like wearing mask and maintaining social distancing. Pandemic was far from over.

  When first wave was breathing heavily,Delta plus variant appeared from darkness and once again India was in the grip of severe Corona virus. Along with new variant, epidemiologists  created confusion by their bizarre predictions. There was acute shortage of vaccines and oxygen, it appeared that the world was going to witness merciless killing of Indians at the hands of brutal virus.  Hoarding and smuggling of oxygen cylinders were reported. Infected persons had to pay bribes for treatment in Govt hospitals.

Antony Fauccy, the US epidemiologist is known for his shifting stand and was hated by the former president Donald Trump. Fauccy suggested complete lock down in India for few months but The PM of India was wise enough to learn lesson from the last lock down which resulted in mass sufferings of Indian. Nothing was mandated and by a series of restrictions, India was able to monitor the infection throughout the country. Vaccination was encouraged  free of costs to every citizen. There was increased production of Indian made vaccines. By Sept 2021 Delta variant was to some extent disciplined,the result is surprising, India is doing well, while rest of the world is facing the wrath of another variant christened by WHO as OMICRON.

 Vaccines manufactured in India  was conceived by Oxford Zeneca in UK,platform was prepared by Ms Sarah Gilbert and proved effective against the Delta variant. Second vaccine Covaxin is actually manufactured and conceived in India but its application on large scale is not seen.

  What caused second wave? Some of the self-styled experts, intellectuals and politicians who also emerged simultaneously with Delta plus are openly accusing the PM of India for resurgence of Corona virus.Nobody on this earth ever anticipated the emergence of Covid--19. In Brazil the variant commonly known as P1 was initially mocked by the president of that country, as this variant was not anticipated by top experts. The former president of US was also in the habit of mocking Corona virus. More Americans died during the period of Joseph Biden, but unlike Trump he is not hated by majority of Americans for some unknown reasons.

 The number of deaths in India looked to be even worse than officials were letting on.  Analysis of crematorium statistics in three cities, Delhi,Mumbai and Madras found that the fatalities released by authorities appear far from reality. The magnitude of that finding is amplified by the fact that India's official statistics are already shattering global records for daily infections. But these figures are far from absolute truth. Rich and poor Indians died in a worst possible manner but unlike China India never tried to hide the figures of causalities which may change in future when normalcy returns to pre-Jan 2020 level. 

The Chief Scientific Advisor to the Govt of India is a man, who is respected and trusted, while briefing the electronic media, he explained in detail the reasons behind surge of infection and we are grateful to him for removing the cloud of suspicion. How do we see the emergence of variants and warning of a third wave? Mr Raghwan is more straight forward than Antony Fauccy. He cleared our misconception of airborne Covid virus, the concept of which is being falsely spread by electronic media.

There is somebody either in Pentagon or in Wuhan in China who is not telling the truth about the origin of Corona virus. The bipolar politics of the world is being led by US and CHINA and both are acting in a strange way, not harming the economic interests of each other. There is no hidden agenda, as both US and China are aware of the brutality of the virus. But while tackling the pandemic, there must not be any dirty politics.

Narendra Modi happens to be an honest politician with down to earth approach. In the beginning of the pandemic, his every step was welcomed and his popularity reached its zenith. When in the beginning of 2021 when pandemic in India was hibernated, conducting election in WB. Tamilnadu Assam and UT Puducherry and opening of Kumbha gathering and permitting Cricket matches, provided stimulus to a dying virus which surged causing panic in the entire country .

 Now it is a hard fact that even without election , large gathering and sport activities, Delta variant was not going to be stopped as is evident from its brutal behavior and speed of transmissible through out the world.Vaccines manufactured in US like mRNA, J&J and Russian Sputnik V were likely to be introduced but economic compulsion was taken into account and only Russian vaccines were permitted for emergency use, Production of Covishield and Covaxin was encouraged and  steps were taken for mass vaccination  with result that India is doing far better than the rest of the world.

 At present there is no shortage of vaccines, in fact a large number of vaccines are lying unused and vaccines are being exported to other countries at moderate cost. If somehow by the end of this year, 90% of people of India are vaccinated then Modi may reclaim his lost glory and it is not hard to achieve the target. But how to inoculate the people?  We know that a large number of criminals belonging to every political party are finding an opportunity to deal in business of death. Rounding of criminals selling certain drugs in black markets bear testimony to the presence of criminals with no feeling for human life The pandemic could be at least temporarily under control in India by December of this year if most people get vaccinated and keep taking necessary precautions. 

 Almost every developed country of Europe is engaged in hoarding vaccines leaving the people of Africa at the mercy of cruel virus. But hoarding of vaccines boomeranged and three advanced countries of Europe UK, France and Germany are reporting death and infection as if vaccination is yet to be started 

 Entire world is fighting like hell.. PM of India is successful as a political figure but he underestimated the behaviors of Corona virus.  Mass vaccination is being carried out with vigor and he is in a position to guide the nation in right direction.

 When we compare situation in US with India we find situation is gradually improving giving a boost to national economy. Infrastructures relating to health has improved and in the event of third wave with different type of variant, India may be in a position to defeat the virus.

Omicron is the latest variant of Coronavirus which was first reported in South Africa and within a short it spread like wild fire in UK and other European countries. This variant is highly transmissible but less brutal than the Delta variant. Nevertheless, this variant is being taken as variant of concern, India is well prepared for this new Omicron which also affect fully vaccinated people but in most of the cases hospitalization is not required except in the case of persons with co morbidity. It appears this Omicron is testing the efficacy of existing vaccines.

 Conflicting opinions by experts and virologists are creating fear psychosis, This is evident when they talk of booster dose and vaccination of  kids. So far kids in India are not showing looming danger. Vaccines for children is likely to be permitted in next year. Booster dose is  surrounded by controversy. In US a large number of people are yet to be  given first jab  but booster dose has been mandated for certain categories of infected persons. In coming months, we may hear second booster and even yearly booster.

 No vaccines is perfect and even in the case of Omicron  experts are advocating vaccination. In absence of data it is premature to conclude that existing vaccines fail to protect against new variant. WHO is not encouraging booster dose for everybody.

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, Stephen Bansel of Moderna and Mathai Manmman of J&J have refused to tweak their vaccines, as they are convinced that their vaccines may crush Omicron. Technology is changing overnights In 2022 we are going to see new sets of vaccines which may prevent Coronavirus from taking the lives of infected persons.

New variant Omicron may become third wave in India, but it is likely to be short lived. Omicron may not impact Indian economy badly. Expensive oral pills have been introduced in open markets but these drugs are beyond the reach of common people. Vaccination is the last and only alternative

 India is unlikely to suffer as it suffered between May and Sep of 2021. Baring Kerala and Maharashtra, other states are showing promising result of mass vaccination. Credit goes to Govt, health workers and above all general consciousness of the people as is proved by violent protest in Europe and  in Australia against lock down and vaccine mandate. No such protests were reported in India.



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