Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan surprised the world by declaring that Pakistan had no money to run the administration. It is strange that a country which has   nuclear bomb under its possession with heavy expenditure on army cannot run the administration. If it is truth than it means no country in the world render financial help Pakistan, not even China or Islamic nations as the reasons for an empty coffer of Pakistan is known to the world.

Pakistan happens to be a rogue neighbor of India. While India is fast emerging as an economic power, Pakistan is facing bankruptcy.  Pakistan is an Islamic state as this nation was created on the basis of religion. After it got independence along with India in 1947, Pakistan had seen strange drama, elected government was followed by military rule. Whenever there is political stability army stages coupe badly affecting economic activities. Pakistan is not rich in natural resources and in the name of export it has nothing to offer. Being an Islamic state, it has received massive help and investment from oil rich Islamic nations, but is has failed to emerge as an economic power of the sub-continent

 Pakistan has too some extent made rapid industrial progress well as is evident from emergence of small-scale industries which are doing well. These industrial units are importing raw materials from other countries, but their manufacturing capability cannot be underestimated. Widespread corruption, heavy expenditure on army, acquiring nuclear arsenals just to frighten India and funding extremists resulted in heavy strain on economy. One of the reasons of a weak economy of Pakistan is its rivalry with India. Purchasing sophisticated weapons to neutralize India is nothing but figment of imagination. Pakistan has now tall buildings modern education, independent judiciary and no special treatment to religious hate preachers . Under such circumstances Pakistan would have emerged as an economic giant among Islamic nations, but situation is just the reverse.

 Pakistan  has developed political intimacy with China which is investing in BOLT to benefit Pakistan, but closer look reveals a different pattern which in the long run may prove detrimental to Pakistan’s economy. China wants hassle free transportation of oil and minerals from Iran and other oil rich countries, but Pakistan is not going to be benefited in the long run. Mass displacement of people belonging to Baluchistan and adjoining areas is creating social problems. Pakistan’s intimacy with China just to counter India which has an open democracy,is not being appreciated by Islamic friends of Pakistan.

 Heavy  expenditure on defense  has sapped economy.  Active participation of army is necessary to contain internal violence and social tension, perpetrated by extremists. In a way Pakistan army has an important role to play if Pakistan has to achieve economic stability. Return of Taliban in Afghanistan does not augur well for Pakistan. Mass exodus of Afghan refugees and Pakistan’ s support for a theological state run by violent religious preachers are bound to have negative effect on Pakistan’s economy, it is so because Pakistan is not allergic to modern education for women , this stands contrary to Taliban's attitude towards women.

 Pakistan has a democratically elected government and requires budget proposals being crafted by economists and experts in financial matters. These steps must be the first priority of administration.  Pakistan has made admirable progress in modern communication.  Steps like education of women with no strict codes for women dress has offended a section of religious preachers, but they are not in a position to assault the democratic set up of a theocratic nation. These fanatics are loathed by educated Pakistanis. They are receiving generous fund from well do families not to preach hate but unite the different sections of society. These religious fanatics are chief source of social tensions.

There are sufficient evidences that army and high ups in administration are involved in drug trafficking and money laundering. Smuggling of narcotics by tribal of Waziristan from Afghanistan is a permanent future and even army is unable to tame these tribal, it is so because that there is lack of modern education and these Tribal are fanatics for whom killing and be killed for false dignity is of paramount importance. Construction of modern road passing through Waziristan has failed to improve laws and order situation. Without internal security economic progress cannot be achieved.

 Austerity measures must include stopping further expansion of its meaningless nuclear programmes and complete abanding of ballistic missile launching programmes. India does not pose threat to sovereignty of Pakistan. Resumption and expansion of trade and commerce with India is must if impending economic doom is to be averted. Civil administration of Pakistan is being run by educated men, they are in a better position to realize the importance of friendly relations with India.

It is presumed that Pakistan support to terrorist regime in Afghanistan was motivated by economic gain but there is no modern industries in Afghanistan. Pakistan will have to spend heavily to keep the Talibans in power which in turn will further weaken economy of Pakistan.

Imran Khan is an educated person and democratically elected prime minister, but he is behaving like the Kim Jong Un of North Korea.  There are only two political figures Imran Khan and Kim Jong Un in this world, who glorify nuclear weapons and both of these countries are filled with poverty-stricken people. Extreme poverty in Pakistan is driving people to join the terror groups.

 There are no known remedies for curing the economic illness of Pakistan, but certain measures may be conceived for immediate relief. IMF has refused to render financial help, so internal economic reform with active support of army may to some extent alleviate sufferings of people. Long term planning like Saudi Arabia may be considered for benefit in future. Pakistan’s friends Turkey and Malaysia are facing internal sectarian conflicts, moreover they are themselves are struggling to sustain the economic growth

 It is not proper to call Pakistan a beggar. Italy, Greece and even India during the period of Narsingh Rao faced the same problems. In the case of India, economy globalized and despite of pandemic India is fast emerging as great economic power of modern world.  With strong will, Pakistan may reshape its economy. Long terms plannings are needed. It is seen that power sectors in Pakistan is poorly managed and needs structural reforms, otherwise this power sector may damage economy beyond repair. Weak economy is self-made and promoted by super corrupt politicians and powerful army.

Pakistan has fought expensive battles with India, for which ultramodern weapons were purchased from western countries. These wars further aggravated economic woes of an underdeveloped Pakistan. Modernization and development of Gwador port by China is not going to boost an ailing economy of Pakistan.Under such circumstances, permanent recovery  from a weak economy is difficult if not impossible.Grand ambitions and a tendency to lead or dominate Islamic nations  are likely to create obstacles in the path of recovery.Pakistan has to learn lessons from Saudi Arabia, where the Crown Prince has undertaken well crafted steps to reform both social and economic structures of oil rich kingdom.

FINAL THOUGHT. There is no dearth of economic miracles. Miracles happened in Greece and it may happen in Pakistan.  China cannot perform economic miracles in  Pakistan. Civil administration and army have to work together for achieving the sacred goal—Remove Poverty. Imran Khan is dependent upon army for survival, but army alone cannot indulge in deliberations which demands the participation of experts and not men in uniforms. Various international financial institutions may help Pakistan with strict terms and conditions which will certainly include least role for army  and economic discipline.


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