RELIGION IN 20th and 21th CENTURY,


Religion, especially the Christianity, in 20th century played not only in expansion and consolidation of the colonial power, but also of spread of education and provided good health care to people, irrespective of men and women. The Islam which spread by different methods, played vital role in the middle east. Once a powerful and aggressive religion, some Islamic nations in the name of religion, willingly participated in dirty politics played by a few developed non-Muslims countries and created everlasting political and economic problems in certain areas of the world.

There are two religions, which influenced contemporary international politics in the last century, in different ways. With declining of Ottoman empire, Islam ceased to be a religion of colonial power, but was eager to preach its tenets in every part of the world, which was not possible without the preachers being educated in a religious school known as Madrasa. In Christian educational institutions, along with religion, science, economic and other subjects, were also taught.

In Africa, we find two type of educations, one being imparted by Islamic institutions and other provided by either Catholic or Protestant group of schools. In Muslims majority states of Africa, it was Christian missionary-based education, which virtually shaped national politics, In Algeria, Egypt and a few Muslims majority countries, which were colonized by Christian dominated nations, they failed to convert entire population, while in Muslims majority states, ethnic cleansing was resorted with violence.  Killing of Armenian Christians in 1914 and atrocities committed against the Greeks, by Ottoman Sultans may be cited as an example.


Except atrocities committed by Ottoman Muslim empire against its non-Muslims believers, we do not find large scale violence in the name of religion till 1960.At the time of partition of India on religious lines, communal violence was seen on large scale, but communal flare up remained confined to subcontinent.  Radicalization of Islam was unheard and Jihadist was used to glorify local sectarian skirmishes’ involving different religious. We find reform movements in Christian and Hinduism and too some extent in Islam, for example, Turkey.

 In US, emergence of Quaker sect among Christian was becoming popular, while in India, Hinduism which never enjoyed the status of a national religion in history, was witnessing social and political reforms. Arya Semaj founded long ago, became acceptable to people of Punjab on large scale only after 1910.Several Anglo Arya schools/colleges were founded with high quality of education. Modern education based on English medium gave Hinduism, a new and dynamic outlook without changing its basic philosophy. Several famous scientists outside of the country, were influenced by the Hindu philosophy.

 Religion and science in 20th century, witnessed healthy philosophical debate. Two important theories, Theory of Relativity by Einstein and Theory of Evolution by Darwin, forced faithful to become more rational. Philosophers with sound knowledge of mathematics and physics questioned the emergence of universe from nothing as advocated by some reputed scientists. Creationist movement as opposed to Darwin’s evolution emerged in US, but quickly subsided as there was no scientific basis to prove it

 A Christian Europe and US, owe their outstanding industrial progress to religion, as the Jesuits were also inventors, not only of new religious thinking, but also of new technology,  necessitated for industrial development.  When, European Common Market was founded, it was known as Christian Club and the present EU is still known by the same name by Islamic nations.

Internal bickering among the colonial powers prevented the start of a new Crusade, as Islam was not in a position to colonize even its immediate neighbors. and in fact, barring exceptions entire Islamic world was colonized by nations following one religion.

 Religious preachers were involved in national politics of several nations. In France, Catholics were so strong that without their directions and interference, it was difficult for even an elected government to formulate policies. Anti-Religious feelings were so strong in France that in 1905, France separated religion from politics. Despite of Catholic majority state, French people enjoy both, freedom of religion and notoriously, freedom from religion.

Massacre in Ireland.

This country watched sectarian conflict, which was never anticipated. Sectarian conflict involving Catholics and Protests, in Ireland was the main issue, threatening the division of Ireland. Mercilessly killing of opponents, frightened the entire world and some of the perpetrators of the crimes were denounced as terrorists, detrimental to the peace of the world. It was predicted that violence between Catholics and Protests would cease once Catholics becomes dominant religion of the country. A series of dialogue between warring parties led to everlasting peace, Seine Fen, the self-appointed leader of opposition (Catholics) understood the futile of violence and now Ireland is the country with robust GDF. Surprisingly Ireland, once ravaged by religious violence is witnessing growth of Hindu religion, but there is no fear of sectarian violence.

MASSACRE IN KOSOVO. Religion based nationalism, led to genocide in Kosovo and its adjoining areas. Christians and Muslims fought against each other. Dead bodies were seen in every street of Kosovo. Muslims suffered badly, but they are also to be blamed for horrendous killings. Serbia and Kosovo were parts of Yugoslavia and after its disappearance. Kosovo, a Muslims majority state, demanded sovereign state for the Muslims. Incidentally, Serbia, a Christian majority nation failed to generate support from other Christian nations, and as per Dayton agreement, initiated by US president Bill Clinton, genocide ended and some of the butchers were captured and convicted by international court.

Hinduism was struggling for survival in India, while its sister religion Buddhism was under attack from religion, whose followers believe in the supremacy of one God, contrary to Buddhist teachings, that there was no God. Japan a predominantly Buddhist country, was also military powerful, but Japan did not wage any holy war against the oppressors. Magnolia, Philippines and to some extent South Korea were countries, where, due to large scale of conversion, Buddhism started declining, but this religion which is really a religion of peace is surging in China, Taiwan and Japan and in other Far and East nations.


21st century heralded with religion related war. Shias -Sunnis conflict in Iraq snowballed into a major conflict in which a super power US participated. The entire Central Asia was turned into war zone. Early decade of this century witnessed the birth of terrorist organization like Al-Qaida, ISIS, Bokoharam in Africa and Taliban in Afghanistan. Shias and Sunnis killed each other just to establish supremacy and, in the process, entire middle east became most dangerous places in the world.

 Turkey which was declared a secular state by Kemal Pasha was back to the status of an Islamic nation under Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey.

Marked decline in attending Church was noticed, Hindus, instead of visiting temples to avoid corrupt priests, like to celebrate yearly festival like RathYatra Holy, Durga puja, and Diwali. Hindus continue to visit four pilgrimage centers, located in four parts of the country. We find Buddhism as a religion being revived and the number of pilgrims visiting Bodhgaya increased.

 But it is Islam, which is making inroads into every country of the world. Followers of Islam, unable to find employment and fed up with corrupt politicians and Emirs of their countries, are flocking to Europe, US and Canada for better economic opportunity. War torn Middle East is not expected to see the economic boom in near future, so there is exodus of Syrian refugees in most of EU countries. These helpless refugees, in absence of a central authority to guide and control them, are easily swayed by radicals, who in turn encourage them to participate in terrorist activities. They cannot integrate with the culture of the host country, so with rigid religious ideology, many of them are turning to suicide bombers.

In this age of fast internet and modern education, based on scientific facts, the rise of ISIS and Taliban is unexpected, while ISIS has been defeated by its co-religionists and supported by US, the rise of Taliban, for whom their religion, Islam is more important than life is a challenge to sociologists and political scientists.

Taliban is flourishing on drug money and is a menace not only to non-Muslims states, but to Islamic nations as well. Since Taliban is synonymous with Afghanistan, so it is not the politics, but the spread of Taliban terror, which has become an issue of concern.

Uncertainty about a supreme authority behind the existence of universe has eroded, people’s faith in religion. If there is a super natural power, then he is beyond of our reach and as we are dependent upon our free will. We have to use the religion for the benefit of human race.But religion is being used to create disinformation and terrorism.

It is difficult to predict the influence of religion in future. In the name of religion, spread of terror is likely to increase. Certain areas of this world like, central Asia is prone to religious, uprising, as mutual distrust among the people, cannot be removed. The Sunnis and Shias like to kill each other. Religion in a few countries has prevented women from occupying dignified position in society. In Hinduism, there are more upper castes people, making mockery of their own religion than the followers of other faiths. Despite of this, it is wishful thinking that India may become a Muslim majority state in distant future. But disintegration of India looms large as the power hungry and greedy politician belonging to majority religious faith will go to any length to achieve their purpose.

RELIGION AND NATURAL DISASTER. Whenever there is natural disaster like earthquake and cyclone, religion is playing its traditional role of serving the people However we find conflicting opinions among religious people about tackling the Coronavirus. Some VIPs in the name of religion, but without scientific proofs are defaming vaccination and thereby intentionally spreading the infection. In US. religion preaches, opposition to vaccination for Coronavirus on flimsy ground. Forty four states in US  are witnessing,  low percentage of vaccination  because of opposition by religious organizations.

FINAL THOUGHT. Every religion is bound to undergo radical changes. Faith in an almighty shall be debated with facts and figures. Any religion glorifying the killing of innocent people is doomed. Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism may witness more and more rationalistic thinking.  By the end of this century, there may be little choice to choose between religion and science, the possibility is good for a depressed human race.




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