By K P Paswan.


There are various faces of corruptions and corrupt persons. But it is difficult to find a real corrupt man with a brilliant mind. In this true story, the corrupt man received bribe from a high-ranking Investigating Officer, who investigated the serious allegations of corruption against the man.

 The man is still alive. Retired long ago from the prestigious service, he became a consultant for the persons, who wanted to earn money, safely and silently. He did not open any office for the purpose, but he was widely known for his intelligence. As a consultant, he earned more money, and now in his late 80, he has become an ardent devotee of the most powerful goddess of his religion.

 His first and only lesion to his disciples is, don’t accept terms and conditions, laid down by the persons, from whom you are going to receive bribe, set your own terms and conditions and a safe place for exchange of money.

Real name of the corrupt officer is withheld, and he is being called, Bala the devil.

MERCEDES, NEW OR USED. Nearly twenty-five years ago, a famous business tycoon, who was also a relative of the most powerful politician of the country, imported a Mercedes car and declared it as used and of second hand. Mr Bala, the Officer, examined the papers and called an automobile expert to examine the car. The automobile engineer examined the car in presence of importer and the agent, and submitted the report, reaffirming the declaration of the importer. As per rules Bala, was not bound to accept the report and second automobile expert was called for examination. He differed with the first opinion and declared that the car before importation, covered only 150 kilometers and so it cannot be treated as used car. The car was temporarily seized, pending further examination.

 Meanwhile the importer, foolishly approached the powerful politician, who in turn approached the concerned ministry for immediate release of the car.

 WARNING. The Officer received the letter with a rider to release the car,  after proper realization of import duty, but he was not in a favorable mood to release the car without further delay and without accepting bribe. He sought a government recognized, expert to re-examine the car, and he reported to his senior officer, that the consignment appeared to be brand new. His request for examinations of the car, was accepted and accordingly an auto engineer, employed in a Govet department examined the car and declared it as brand new.

 At that time there was absolute ban on import of new car, which was to be absolutely confiscated by the department. In rare case, the banned imported goods were to be released after realizing heavy penalty. The agent was aware of these facts and he approached Bala, and offered to pay bribe in lieu of absolute confiscation of the car. The officer demanded Rs one lakh and the agent informed the importer, who helplessly witnessed the failure of political approach. After long bargain, it was decided that the importer would pay Rs 50 thousand as bribe.  The importer was too smart to be browbeaten by an ordinary officer. He informed the Central investigator team to nab the officer red-handed. In this work the importer was helped by the powerful politician.

It was evening in late November and due to load shedding in those days, emergency lights were being used in the office. Somehow Bala came to know the conspiracy, accordingly, at the time of receiving bribe, he was talking to another client in darkness, while emergency light was on. Bala demanded that entire amount of bribe, must be in, one thousand notes, as it would be difficult for him to carry, bundle of one hundred rupees notes. So, the Investigation Officer managed to obtain 50 notes of 1000 denomination and entered the room, Bala, the officer, without uttering single word, indicated the Investigator to a hanging coat, at a distance of three meters from the table occupied by the officer. The client sitting in front of the officer was not an ordinary client, he was a noted criminal lawyer of the city. As soon as money was put into pocket of the hanging coat. Half a dozen officers from anti-corruption department nabbed the officer and obtained the signature of the person, sitting in front of Bala. He was made   a Govt witness.

Six officers took the officer to the chamber of the head of the office, for obtaining his order to arrest the officer. It was in the big room of the head of the office. that a strange drama was enacted. The nabbed officer shouted the reasons for his arrest. The officers from the Anti-Corruption Bureau informed the head of the office, that the officer was caught red handed while taking the bribe of Rs fifty thousand, Bala expressed surprise upon the allegations, and denied that he had taken the bribe. 

The Anti-Corruption Bureau and the nabbed officer were prepared for all eventualities. A judicial magistrate was present in the waiting room. In his presence the nabbed officer was thoroughly searched and at this stage the senior most of the Anti-Corruption team of officer presented the coat for examination. The client of the guilty officer recognized the coat, it was now turn of the arrested officer to play the dice. He demanded the nature of the coat from the magistrate, on closer examination of the coat, it was found that the coat was a women’s woolen wear. Meanwhile, the large chamber of the head of the office was turned into a virtual court room.

 Outside of the chamber, employees gathered and raised slogan against the Anti-Corruption Team for framing an experienced and honest officer. It was about 10 pm at night, that the final decision was taken, the officer was neither suspended nor arrested. The women’s wear was sealed, next day, all the concerned persons were to be assembled in the chamber of the magistrate, which was situated at a distance of nearly two kilometers away from the central office.

 The case was put on trial without arresting the officer as prosecution failed to submit sufficient evidences, warranting the arrest, only one witness, who acted both as a witness for the prosecution, was also a witness for the defense, Interestingly, the defense instituted a case against the Anti-Corruption Team for framing an honest and hard-working officer of the central govt.

 HUNTER BEING HUNTED. So now there were two parallel cases, one against the officer, while another against the investigation team. But the lone witness who was present in the room, told the judge that he never saw Bala telling the Investigator, to put the money into the pocket of the women’s wear. He was telling the truth. It was the brilliant idea of Bala, who advised the middleman, that the investigator would find a coat hanging on the wall and money had to be put in the pocket of the coat.

 The case was dismissed in favor of the officer and cognizance was taken against the investigation team for framing charges of corruption in connivance with importer, who imported a new car declaring, it was used and of second hand. It was also alleged against the Investigation team, that it had strong support from a powerful politician.

 Three members of the investigating team were in deep troubles. What is interesting is that the agent connived with Bala and in a court of law, and leveled serious charges against the investigate team. Fed with searching questions of lawyers, senior most investigator approached for compromise, Mr Bala, through a third party, demanded bribe from the police officer. The officer collected Rs fifty Thousand from other members and handed the money to a mysterious man. After six months the case was settled outside the court.

 FATE OF THE VEHICLE. Since in those days, import of new car was absolutely banned in India, and the importation car was examined thrice by different Auto Engineers, who found it neither used nor old, so the car was confiscated absolutely, and after few years was put on auction, but no purchaser was interested in purchasing an inauspicious car.

 Was it possible to get the Limousine in the new condition released? Absolutely it was possible to get it cleared by paying bribe. But the ego of importer ruined his chance to become the proud owner of the Mercedes. One of daughters of the importer (A Hindu) was married to Muslim technocrat. He tried his best to avert the damage, but the importer as attached to a powerful central minister decided to destroy officer by telling him, you remain within your limit and in the process got himself destroyed.


MODERN SAINT OR AN ANGEL. We find some others persons in power, but opposite to the character of the corrupt officer Mr Bala. Members of elite services in India, including the so called executive and police services recruited in India after 2000 are mostly corrupt and incompetent. Most of them join the service just to mint money, by compromising the welfare of poor people. But before 2000, several officers were known as honest and pro --poor.

One of the officers was so honest that as a District Magistrate, ordered F.I.R against his own highly qualified wife for misusing Govt vehicle for private purpose, she wisely and rightly filed for divorce and the separation was granted.

The officer was known as a role model and the corrupt politicians always avoided his presence. He reached zenith of his career and after his retirement, he settled in the city, where his sister lived. He always told his followers to follow these principles in life.

(1)  If you pray then pray for the country.

(2)  If you work, then work for the country

(3)  If you have to die, then die for the country

These three principles run contrary to the principles, favored by the first officer Mr Bala the devil, for whom money is ultimate gain of life. Bala in his late 80 is very fond of Cricket. His only son studied electrical Engineer in US, and married an educated lady. When ever there is a cricket match, Bala, sits in front of TV set. His, daughter in law, served several times, tea to him, during the entire period of match. He sometimes raises slogan like, money, money, sweeter than honey. His grandchildren are fond of this slogan.

HARD CHOICE. It is time to choose one, Bala the devil or Angel. Bala favors praying, working and dying for money, without which nothing is possible in life. He is worshiped by his family members.

 On the contrary, the Angel sacrificed his devoted wife at the altar of honesty. He is living alone and is looked after well by his sister, who is a qualified doctor. He regrets the divorce of his wife, but is happy that he did not compromise his honesty. Should we call him a God? no, not all.

FINAL WORDS. We abuse him, we condemn him, it is a hard choice, but still he is an Angel.


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