It appears that in near future human race on this unfortunate planet is not going to witness real pleasure in their lives. It is because the country, which first reported outbreak of Coronavirus is a leading economic power and and is openly challenging the powerful US.  Leading Virologist Antony Faucy and  Dr Peter Dazsk,  of US, were advocating complete lock down to contain the Delta plus variant of Coronavirus in countries, where there is no sign of marked improvement. Now they have changed their tones and are advocating restrictions, which unfortunately are also not proving beneficial. New variant of Coronavirus known as Delta plus is highly contagious and strike unvaccinated people with lightning speed, forcing hospitalization and in death.


 There is an intimate relation between HIV and Coronavirus as the man who promised effective treatment for HIV is now a leading authority on Coronavirus .Anthony Fauci, the leading Virologist and advisor to the president of US  did not emerge all of sudden.He emerged when HIV threatened US and several eminent persons died of HIV Death of eminent persons coincided with emergence of Fauci. Let us have a glimpse of persons who succumbed to HIV.

ROCK HUDSON, was the name of a famous Hollywood star, who died of HIV in the decade of 1980. With the death of Rock Hudson, there emerged a young doctor, who promised treatment, including a vaccine for HIV. That young doctor in US is still alive and is known all over the world as Antony Fauci.  It is possible that before Rock Hudson, many people might have died of HIV, but Rock Hudson’s death was aired throughout the world. HIV was the most talked subject among the doctors, as this disease frightened the entire population of the earth, pharma giants started doing research as a way to find a cure. But soon the doctors realized that HIV was not caused by virus, so manufacturing a vaccine is not going to end this disease, and they were right, as even after a gap of more than sixty years, there is no permanent cure available for HIV. We do not know the exact number of causalities due to this illness. but a large number of imminent persons succumbed to this dreaded disease. Arthur Ash was an ace badminton player of US, he received blood transfusion from a HIV person and  died.

Meanwhile Vatican announced to the world that HIV was sent by GOD to punish the offenders. But Faucy is a brilliant scientist and soon joined the group of scientists, advising the president of US on the medical issues. The HIV was playing havoc with the lives of certain groups of people and the origin of the disease was discussed in detail and poor monkeys of Democratic Republic of Congo were held responsible for transmitting HIV to human beings. Whole of Africa was infected with HIV and even today maximum number of HIV patients are found in Africa.

With certain guidelines and by using antiviral drugs, managing the infected HIV patients is possible. In US, it is presumed that a large number of Blacks and Hispanics are suffering from HIV. Scientists succeeded in prolonging the life of a HIV patient without improving the quality of life. The disease is rampant in some African countries. In the course of time majority of HIV patients died and few survivals, suffered from bipolar disorder

 Antony Fauci is certainly not a very famous doctor of infectious disease, but he knows, how to manage bad times by turning the table in the right direction. This strategy has worked in his favor as is evident, by his presence in the White House since 1980, it does not matter for Fauci, whether the owner of the Oval Office is A Democrat or Republican.  Expensive Antiviral drugs are available for the unfortunate HIV patients and they enjoy certain rights in democratic countries which are not available in other nations, Meanwhile Vatican has refused to accept new reality and continued to regard HIV being sent by God to punish the transgenders.

 Fauccy kept low profile, busy in doing research, either beneficial or not beneficial to human being.  Nothing was known about Fauci before the outbreak of Coronavirus, but suddenly, he emerged with Coronavirus and declared three cardinal principles to defeat the Corona. (1)Wear Mask, (2)Maintain Social Distance and(3) Washing Hands frequently, surprisingly these principles are being followed all over the world.

  Faucci met his final match in Donald Trump, who in the beginning of outbreak of Coronavirus, treated it like another variant of Spanish flue, which ravaged US in 1918. It appears that Donald Trump was not aware of American funding of famous Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.  US, funded the famous Lab in China, which is being accused of manufacturing  coronavirus without the knowledge of Antony Fauci. This is known as Conspiracy theory which is yet to be proved.  Somehow Trump smelt the conspiracy and was soon, seen in action, he abused Faucci calling him as an incompetent, but refrain from firing him, as it is possible that China might have accused, US of funding the Wuhan Lab for which the Chinese Govt is claiming Nobel Prize for doing research relating to pandemic.

 Antony Faucci like many other Virologists were not much optimistic of vaccines within short times. So many common drugs like HCQ(Hydroxy Chloroquine), Azithromycin and a few others were given to patients and these patients recovered, forcing Donald Trump to declare HCQ as game changer. Fauci had his own opinion and when he asked for reasons, for not warning Donald Trump, he is reported to have told the CNN correspondent, ’You cannot expect me to jump before the microphone and push the president away”. But with departure of Donald Trump, Fauci expected reward from Joe Biden. The New president retained Faucy as the leading advisor as Fauccy was an opponent of Trump. Biden appointed Rochelle Walensky a leading medical expert as his advisor on Coronavirus, she now calls the shot.

Departure of Donald Trump was coincided with approval of mRNA-based vaccines by FDA. With more than 90% efficiency, Joe Biden did not require the advice of Faucy and relied upon groups of competent epidemiologists to contain the pandemic. After mass vaccination, educational institutions were ordered to be opened, Fauccy jumped and advised 2 ft social distances with mask covering face and nose of students. President overlooked the suggestions and declared no mask and no social distance, and schools were opened with dire consequences.

But new phase of Coronavirus pandemic has pitted the speed of Virus against the speed of human responses. The contest is the Delta plus variant vs vaccines and prevention, in races playing out over and over in communities across the planet. US offers a grim lesson for what happens when the race is not run, the most powerful political head of our solar system appears to be helpless while facing the new variant of the lethal virus.

It’s looking more and more likely, vaccines prevent most asymptomatic infections. Evidence has accumulated that vaccines protect against catching the coronavirus, whether or not a person once coronavirus needs a fresh host to reproduce. That’s why cases are spiking in patchwork patterns, across the globe throughout the pandemic. First a region flares up as the virus spreads through the community. Once there are no more vulnerable people — either because they have been already exposed or adequately protected by vaccination — the pathogen fizzles out.

 Each new phase of the coronavirus in Australia and Israel offer two different examples of the way’s countries are responding to the delta coronavirus variant. The variant, Delta plus is playing havoc in US, South Africa and in Australia, triggering a lock down in affected cities and mask mandates and increased restrictions in other cities that had, till now, are relevant. There’s been a level of complacency and we’ve been living in a very gilded cage. No political head on this earth had foreseen such a catastrophe. At the time of departure of Donald Trump, US witnessed causality figure about 275000 thousands, but after six months, America crossed the figure700000, but nobody is accusing Joe Biden of mishandling the pandemic.It is to be noted  that three effective vaccines along with wonderful monoclonal anti-body cocktail were manufactured in USA. Most of the Blacks and the illegal migrants are afraid of vaccination, because of vague fear. Blacks are also not coming forwards to get tested for Coronavirus. There is reduction of life expectancy of Blacks and Hispanics which run between 2to 3%.

 In Israel, the main defenses against delta plus, will be the country's vaccinated population, not government-mandated precautions, officials say. The government in Israel has offered booster shot to vulnerable people, who have been vaccinated, but are being reinfected by new variant. One of US's final restrictions, an indoor mask may mandate in a few places, where infection rate is alarming. Indoor masking was never favored, in places where positive rate is below5%. 

 In US, there's a wide gap in the vaccination rates of residents who are White and of those who are Black or Hispanics. Fifty four percent  of Americans are fully vaccinated. Still unvaccinated people, mostly Blacks and Hispanics are dying as they are reluctant to get jabbed. White people in the country have received at least one dose of a vaccine, close to the 52 %. Low vaccination rates are not unique in entire world. In UK, situation is somewhat different. After mass vaccination, it was believed that UK would soon become free from lethal virus, but suddenly there was surge as new variant known as Delta plus was detected. This new variant is highly transmissible and the hospitals in UK were swarmed with patients infected by new variant. But there was no stoppage of vaccination and in a dramatic twist, Delta variant has been controlled, making the idea of booster shot less important. US is keeping a close eye in the procedures adopted by Britain US may follows the British ways of handling the crisis. 

 Deaths from the coronavirus continue to raise despair and alarm, despite the slower-than-desired immunization. Australia, SA, UK and Israel offer two different examples of the way’s countries are responding to the delta coronavirus variant. The variant has emerged in every country of the world, fueling the opinion that Delta plus may be the last episode, before pandemic is hibernated or eliminated.It has been observed that Pfizer mRNA was 33% effective against symptomatic infection from the Delta variant after the first shot, in the two dose- series, but 88% effective after second shot After all, in clinical trials, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were neck and neck (95 percent and 94 percent efficacy, respectively) in terms of preventing symptomatic infection from covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. 

As far as J&J, it may provide about 72% protection. It has sought approval for a booster shot from FDA. Effectiveness of mRNA vaccines differ from country to country and in absence of uniformity in data, it is impossible to pin point the most effective vaccines in the world.

In India, there are two vaccines, Astra Zeneca and Covaxin have shown extraordinary effectiveness in containing the virus.Antony Faucci has expressed the apprehension that if another variant other then Delta variant is detected then existing vaccines have to be modified. Existing vaccines are effective but not perfect.

  Only way to tame all the variants of Coronavirus, is to make the lives hell of the unvaccinated people. French president is following this principle. EU is bound to follow the same. After all it is a race against time. Unvaccinated people must not be allowed to pose danger to human race.

Omicron is the new variant, which was detected first in South Africa and with lightening speed became dominant strain in US,UK, France, Germany and other European countries. Mercifully Omicron is less lethal than Delta Plus and it has been contained in its birth place that is South Africa.

FINAL WORDS. Coronavirus is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated people.










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