With a new man in the Oval Office, international politics has entered into an era of neurotic polarization and a period of uncertainty. It is virtually impossible, even for a seasoned diplomat, to predict events to come. Recent example is meeting of seven rich countries in a city of UK, where Coronavirus of Delta plus variant is rampant. These groups also consisted of two nations, which are not only economically sick but don’t carry much weight in international politics, these countries are UK and Italy, UK has become curable sick man of Europe, while Italy does not know how to prevent impeding economic doom, after it suffered heavy causalities during the first wave of coronavirus.

 Then there were representatives from EU, whose one-point agenda was to admire Germany and condemn China and Russia. Only France may be regarded as a politically sensitive country, knowing how to behave in a bi polar politics. It is also not known, on what basis Canada was invited? Rumors were set afloat in Washington that Justin Trudeau was in UK to lend support to Joe Biden, in case of urgent need. It may be noted that Donald Trump called Trudeau  an unworthy politician, but Joe Biden needs support of Canada to implement its undefined policy to China and Russia.  Group of Seven leaders  scolded, Beijing over a range of issues including exporting Coronavirus. This criticism may betreated  as gross interference in the country's internal affairs.

Any way these countries were pleased to see old Boris Johnson making noises as he recovered from Covid19. Group denounced China, a new enemy to democracy and Russia as threat to modern world. Neither China nor Russia is posing threat to any country. Modern China was made by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger and post Coronavirus, China has become a leading economic power, threatening the age-old monopoly of small, but developed European nations to dictate the politics of the world. 

The G 7 condemned and slandered China for human rights violations against Uighur Muslims. Who are these Uighur Muslims? They are as dangerous as ISIS and Taliban and taking advantage of limited freedom of speech in China, they are dreaming of carving a separate sovereign state in China, but to utter dismay to Group7, no Islamic state lend sincere support to the cause of Uighur. These Uighur may also be equated with stone pelters of Kashmir valley in India, the only difference is that along with stones, Uighur also use knives to kill innocent people. 

Turkey and Egypt have extradition treaty with China, and a few Uighur terrorists had been deported to China, by these two Islamic nations. These Muslims states are aware of Pakistan support to Uighur. A large number of Pakistanis have entered into matrimonial alliance with Uighur Muslim girls. It is to be noted that China is regularly expelling Pakistani students for preaching hate speech, but these are not highlighted in western media.

Talibans,who recently captured  Afghanistan, do not support Uighur as they are afraid of losing logistic support of China.

 China is witnessing surge of Tibetan style of Buddhism and a majority of Chinese have developed great liking for Buddhism and in near future, bloody sectarian conflict between Uighur and Chinese Buddhists are expected, as is being witnessed in Myanmar and SriLanka. 

 American and Western MNCs are involved in exploiting the Uighur Muslims and their sufferings may be attributed to greedy money launderers of US and western countries. Main problems with Uighur are that they won’t accept assimilation with Chinese society, this is also happening in France, UK, and Germany, which have surrendered to radicals and UK has become fertile ground for producing dangerous religious based terrorists. Several Islamic countries have openly accused UK of indirectly supporting and patronizing Wahhabi.

In bipolar world, it is time to realize that countries, big or small, strong or weak, poor or rich, are equals, and that world affairs should be handled through consultation by all countries The G7 leaders took China to task over human rights violations in the heavily Muslim region of Xinjiang, called for Hong Kong to keep a high degree of autonomy and underscored the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait - all highly sensitive issues for Beijing The re-emergence of China as a leading global power is considered to be one of the most significant geopolitical events of recent times, alongside the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union that ended the Cold War.

The G7, whose leaders met in southwestern England, has been searching for a coherent response to the growing assertiveness of President Xi Jinping after China's spectacular economic and military rise post pandemic. It is China which is progressing with 25%increase in exports, giving night marish sleep to political heads of western countries

Leaders of the group - the United States, Canada, Britain, Germany, Italy, France and Japan - used their gathering in the English seaside resort of Carbis Bay to show the world that the richest democracies can offer an alternative to China's growing clout. That is a false assumption as only US and Russia are in a position to contain China.

 But how to browbeat China? No country suggested any worthy solution. Canada is afraid of ethnic Chinese population, which may attain majority, putting Canada’s sovereignty in jeopardy.

The G7 are planning to offer developing nations an infrastructure scheme, that could rival Xi's multi-trillion-dollar Belt and Road initiative. It is nothing but frustration of the so called rich and developed countries.

Biden, who arrived at the summit after three days of consulting with Group of Seven allies , called out, what it said were forced labor practices and other human rights violations impacting Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities in the western Xinjiang province. The president said he was satisfied with the communique, although differences remain among the allies about how forcefully to criticize Beijing.

Biden also used his eight-day trip to Europe to urge allies to work more closely in pressing Russian President Vladimir Putin over his government’s treatment of political dissidents and to do more to stem cyber-attacks originating from Russia, that have targeted private companies and governments around the globe. Perhaps Biden had Alex Navalny in mind. Navalny is a prominent money launderer and economic offender of Russia and has emerged as a main political rival of Putin. But Navalny is a weak political leader, idolized only by Germany and hated by most of Russians.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is an alliance of European countries, formed after World War II, as a bulwark against Russian aggression. The new Brussels communique states plainly that the NATO nations will engage China with a view to defending the security interests of the alliance. But as Biden faced with the G-7 communique, some allies bristled at the NATO effort to speak out on China.

 NATO’s decision to name China as a threat shouldn’t be overstated because Beijing, like Russia, is also a partner in some areas. China is Germany’s top trading partner and Dorothy Angela Merkel is heavily dependent on Russia, in fulfilling the country’s energy requirement. It is important to find the right balance as China is also a partner on many issues.

It is very important, to make the offer of political discussions, political discourse, in order to come up with solutions. But where there are threats?, they are in the hybrid field too.  France’s President Emmanuel Macron urged the alliance not to let China, distract it from what he saw as more pressing issues facing NATO is facing pressing issues like  fighting against religion based terrorism. It is crystal clear the G-7 and NATO, deliberately slandered China and arbitrarily interfered in China’s internal affairs, and exposed the sinister intentions of a few countries.

Biden arrived at his first NATO summit as president, and as leading members declared it a pivotal moment for an alliance beleaguered during the presidency of Donald Trump, who questioned the relevance of the multilateral organization. Shortly after arriving at the alliance’s headquarters for the first NATO summit of his presidency, Biden sat down with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and underscored the U.S. commitment to various Articles  of the alliance charter, which spells out that an attack on one member is an attack on all and is to be met with a collective response.

 Without elaborating, Joe Biden declared that America is there. It was a sharp shift in tone from the past four years, when Trump called the alliance, obsolete and complained that it allowed for global freeloading countries to spend less on military defense at the expense of the US. Biden was greeted by fellow leaders with warmth and even a bit of relief.

Trump routinely berated other NATO countries for not spending enough on defense and even threatened to pull the U.S. out of the world’s biggest security organization and  questioned the mutual defense provision of the NATO charter, a central tenet of the alliance.

The alliance also updated important Articles  of NATO, to offer greater clarity on how the alliance should react to major cyber-attacks — a matter of growing concern amid hacks targeting the U.S. government and businesses around the globe by Russia-based hackers.

Beyond extending the potential use of the Article, mutual defense clause to space, the leaders also broadened the definition of what might constitute such an attack in cyberspace, in a warning to any adversary that might use constant low-level attacks as a tactic.

The organization declared in 2014 that a cyber-attack could be met by a collective response by all 30-member countries. The president started his day meeting with leaders of the Baltic states on NATO’s eastern flank as well as separate meetings with leaders of Poland and Romania to discuss the threat posed by Russia and the recent air piracy in Belarus, according to the White House, NATO leaders  declared China, a constant security challenge and said the Chinese are working to undermine global order, a message in sync with President Joe Biden’s efforts to get allies to speak out with a more unified voice against China’s trade, military and human rights practices.

There is no doubt  that China’s goals and assertive behavior present systemic challenges to the rules-based international order and to areas relevant to alliance security. The warning to China comes as Biden has stepped up his effort to rally allies to speak in a more unified voice about China’s human rights record, its trade practices and its military’s increasingly assertive behavior that has unnerved U.S. allies in the Pacific.

FINAL THOUGHT. No nations benefited from the gathering. Except Coronavirus ,the world is not facing major political crisis.





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