Jimmy carter was a failed president of mighty US, who failed in Iran and in the middle east. But his younger (he is still alive) made humiliating remark,which cannot be quoted. Democrats are generally anti-Semitic and had never been friendly with Israel. Before the outbreak of 1957 war, between Israel and Arab states, the American president assured the Jewish PM, not to worry, Americans are always with you. PM of Israel replied” Your highness by the time Americans come to our rescue, Israel would vanish” And within six days a tiny Israel proved that human race was not unkind towards Jewish state. That was the time when cold war was at its zenith and the would-be Messianic cult, Iran under Shah Reza Pahlavi was very kind to Israel.

But internationals relations are unpredictable, like a kite flying in a storm or hurricane. Political landscape in Central Asia has changed in favor of Israel and the Arab spring is frightening Arab states more than a climate change. Iran has turned itself into a Messianic cult and the man who coined the word was the former PM of Israel. Every Sunni majority state is afraid of Messianic cult. These Islamic states have under their possession of most deadly weapons provided by the West and US to protect themselves from their enemies. Iran may raise slogan: Death to US, but they are afraid of tiny Israel. There used to be an Ayatollah Khalkhali under whose order more than  five hundred pro Shah Iranians were hanged. Those hanged in the name of revolution was a very handsome Foreign Minister named Mr Aryana. The Ayatollahs was proclaimed as the Hanging Judge.  But now the world is witnessing an Ayatollah Khamenei, who despite of being loathed by majority of Iranians, means business even if it means sacrificing more Iranians just to teach a lesson to Israel.

A belligerent Ayatollah, a bellicose Hezbollah Chief living in a bunker in Lebanon, for fear of being assassinated by the agents of Mossad are not expecting help from anti sematic France, Germany and others. While Netanyahu was also not hoping positive response from a beleaguered Biden, who is  helpless in fighting the deadly virus and is also helpless before an overambitious Vice President who is praying every day to become owner of Oval Office without facing election.

 Just in 1981 Israel successfully stopped Iraq under Saddam Hussein from becoming a nuclear power, Israel is engaged once again in doing dirty works. The world in general and US in particular remain mute spectators and rather encouraged lunatics and fanatics of Middle East to fight each other’s with weapons imported from US and the West.By rushing to rebuild Lebnan,Hezbollah supported by Iran were spreading terror and US failed to do anything to resist terror. Its actions proved that-US was not serious about winning the war against terror. It has succeeded in creating more Islamic militants against Israel.

Now Israel has to do the job. It is time to stop criticising the Jewish state for doing what the US should have done long ago. Answer is simple, it is beyond the capacity of the mightiest power on the earth to stop Iran from going nuclear. We know the failure of Carter to rescue the American hostage, Donald Trump was an evil genius, and he wisely discarded the plane for per-emptive strike which would have been resulted an increased belligerence in the Shiite nation. CIA and for that matter Pentagon may be equipped with latest satellite-based technology to spy the entire world, but it cannot match Mossad in preparing plan to wipe out the enemy, without leaving any proof. Israel has learned the lesson from the Munich Olympic in which German Intelligence failed to prevent the slaughter of Jewish sports person, while Golda Meir neutralized every terrorist. She neither bothered about CIA nor consulted any friendly country, which it had none.

Putin has challenged the EU by deploying its troops near the border of Ukraine, the former KGB agent knows that even if full membership of NATO is granted to Ukraine, no NATO soldiers will fight for Ukraine which is a rogue nation, disliked by many for encouraging, smuggling of deadly weapons to terrorists and Jihadist. Biden cannot hoodwink the world by saying that US is withdrawing from Afghanistan, it is a humiliating retreat and Pakistan is real winner. Taliban is likely to seize power by questionable means and turn Afghanistan in to epicenters of drug trafficking and encourage orthodox system of political structures in which there won’t be any place for non-believers, US cannot claim victory in Afghanistan, it is going to handover Afghanistan to dreaded Taliban just to counter China and Russia.

US has other important missions in other parts of the world. US is yet to build up strong firewall against China to protect Taiwan as it has badly failed to change the Chinese ambition in South China Sea. At home more people have died due to Coronavirus than the total number of casualties reported under Trump. Joe Widen promised that he would listen to doctors and scientists to contain the virus, but the doctors and virologists are not listening to Biden, resulting in heavy casualties despite of efficient vaccines developed by American pharma Vaccines have not failed but Biden has failed, looking helplessly to his VP for guidance.

NATANZ.While the world has been distracted by Afghanistan, Russia and much else. Iran is spinning Uranium Hexafluoride gas through thousand of centrifuges it has installed at the underground enrichment plant,it built secretly in NATANZ near Tehran. The plant is heavily protected by Revolutionary guards. Lives of strangers hardly matters, they are butchered like animals. It is here that the Mossad played dirty games, which was unthinkable for the American to carry out. It is a central place for centrifugal of Uranium which is essential for developing nuclear bomb.

 The Israelis crossed more than one thousand kms to reach Natanz and played havoc, when NATANZ can be attacked than other Iranian place for manufacturing of nuclear arsenals have become vulnerable to attack by Mossad and this must be giving disturbed sleep to National Security Advisor J Sullivan and Secretary of Defence Austin of US. Ayatollah as usual promised revenge against the Jewish state and Mossad must be celebrating its action and would not mind reaching Ayatollahs and telling him we are here to fulfil your dream of revenge. Joe Biden is unlikely to be impressed. Islamic states are bound to celebrate the destruction of much loathed cleric in this world.

 Russia reeling under economic sanctions know the games of dirty politics that it can play not to win but just for fun. But the Jewish state knows the endgame of much loathed Ayatollah and a weak Biden and it cannot remain at the mercy of hostile administration of Biden and a confused Boris Johnson.

OPTIONS. Unlike US, which has no options but to invite Iran for further talk on enrichment of Uranium in Vienna, Israel has several options which are difficult, but not impossible to carry out. Israel is going ahead with its plan, perhaps to destroy the places in Iran which have gained prominence as epicenter of enriching Uranium. US being a mightiest military power has a history of humiliating withdrawal from Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan, it has to meet the stiff challenge of the Chinese currency manipulation. Democrats cannot share useful information with Israel pertaining to sinister design of Iran. Mossad does not believe the efficacy of CIA. It is presumed that for survival, the Jewish state has already laid plan to neutralize the distant rogue nation, but Mossad does not like to give any credit to US and its crony UK, which has become economically sick and wants to thrive on the export of deadly weapons to Sunni majority states in the middle.

 Israel is also facing a lunatic Iranian Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has openly called the critics of Hezbollah as crilings hirelings of the great Devil and boasted that success of Iranian funded Hezbollah against the Jewish state had made the group so loved, that Muslims everywhere in the world felt that they have participated in the war against Israel. 

It is not clear the nature of victory of Hezbollah. Iranian strongman forgets that Egypt and Jordan long ago settled their problems with Israel. Several Muslim states have cordial relation. These American allies are hostile to Iran because the groups of corrupt Ayatollah and Mullahs provide a dangerous example of a potent non-state actors armed and supported by corrupt administration of Iran. The Biden administration has belatedly tried to rally its allies and to bolster such figures as Palestrina President Mahmoud Abbas and the prime minister of Iraq and Lebanon, problems they face is Israel whose increasingly operations against the Iranians have made it more toxic than ever. Israel and Arab moderates want to cool temperature over Palestine but disrupting of Natanz by Israel has changed the ground reality, they are convinced that in future it will be the much-hated Jewish state which would help them against Iran rather than a weak administration of Biden. Israel is far away from Iran and it is impossible for Israel to carry out a guerrilla operation without the help of other Muslims states and some disgruntled Iranians who are fed up with both the Wahhabi Salafi and terrorism being spread in the name of religion by mullahs in Iran. The fact of the matter is that Iran is a modern and prosperous country, some of the younger Iranians may side with Israel rather than Americans to get ride of corrupt clerics of Iran.

  FINAL THOUGHT. In TV debate certain groups of people continue to express grudge against China and wants India to help build infrastructures in Afghanistan, With American withdrawal from Afghanistan, Indians technocrats in Afghanistan would face Taliban who don’t like the presence of Indians. Anything can happen. There are so called pro Pakistan Indians who are eager to wage war against an elected government of India and won’t mind taking the help of Pakistan. It is high time that India trust China more than a theocratic rogue nation like Pakistan and Turkey. Unlike Pakistan China is not helping terrorists’ activities in India. Every month China is expelling a large number of Pakistani students for illegal activities, but these are not debated. Rajeev Gandhi conceived a plan to destroy certain nuclear power plants in Pakistan with the help of Israel, but the plan remained unfinished. Israel’s daredevil actions in NATANZ tells us that nobody should be trusted when your adversaries in politics are playing a game where participants don’t know each other..



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