In recent days Refugees and Immigrants have become headlines of every leading newspapers all over the world. There is a wide difference between these two words, but both are creating political problems for every country. Before going into details as adopted by the UNO, we are constrained to say that the problems in the context of present international politics, emerged with the influx of refugees from poor and underdeveloped countries. We are also constrained to say that UNHCR has failed in is duties for which it was created, With the collapse of colonial powers, the problems of refugees were faced by every country, as the states under colonial rule faced partition, on the basis of religion, tribes and even political affiliations Sectarian conflict was another reason for people fleeing from the oppressors and seeking asylum in a different or friendly country.

IMMIGRANTS. We find two groups of immigrants, legal and illegal and of recent origin. In war torn Central Asia and Africa, there were hundred of thousands people, belonging to two religions Christians and Muslims, who fled to neighboring countries or to European countries, In the process several thousands immigrants died, but a large number of immigrants made their way to Germany and other members of EU, where they were welcomed with open arms, only to regret later as most of the immigrants were found to stick to their religion,not willing to merge or assimilate with new society. A large number of immigrants from Central Asia and Africa were half heartily welcomed by US, Canada and a few Latin American countries, where these refugees are not in a position to wage holy war against the state, due to strict rules and regulations, While in Europe we, find state recognises  religion based rules  of refugees and immigration. US and Canada do not recognize such rituals, but nevertheless some rituals are allowed to practice, but the western system of jurisprudence prevail upon religious edicts.

UNHCR. United Nations Commissioner for Refugees was set up in 1950 to deal with situation like uprising in Hungary to decolonization of Africa and Asia. Its annual budget stands at nearly 8.8 billion dollars with US and Germany main donors. With passage of time the nature and purpose of UNCHR has also changed. There is no refugees crisis in Europe as with formation of EU, there is free movement of people and UNHCR has devoting its attention to immigrants as a consequences of  wars in Central Asia and displacement of Muslims from non-Muslims countries. We have 8.8 million refugees who have fled their prosperous countries due to sectarian conflicts and corruption in government, forcing poor people to seek asylum in economically advanced countries.

But we find a problem, known to every nation, but without any solutions. No refugees are seeking asylums in an economic super power like China, but they are preferring small, but economically advanced countries like members of EU. These immigrants are also allergic to seeking shelters in India, Japan and almost all the Latin American Countries. Australia and New Zealand are geographically large countries, and need skilled workers for carrying out manufacturing activities. We find substantial number of Muslims workers, who are also skilled  and contributing to the economic growth of these two countries.

 EU is beset with problems of refugees, most of the colonial powers were from modern Europe. These colonial powers exploited the poor people of the colonized countries of Africa and Asia. Germany and US are not friendly with each other. Germany has given birth to imminent scientists and philosophers, who have influenced the world, but Germany played a key role during the second world war by indulging in genocide of Jews. Germany suffered too much and it was with the help of Marshall Plan, and New Deal started by US President George S Truman, that Germany became a strong and only economic power in EU, which does not face economic slowdown beyond manageable limit. Germany under Angela Merkel welcomed refugees from Syria. Advancement in science and technology has too some extent,t eroded people’s faith in a divine power and terrorists filled the vacuum created by a declining Christianity. In one instance Switzerland preferred to pay fine instead of accepting refugees from Syria.

MASS EXODUS. Perhaps in the history of humankind, the mass exodus from East Pakistan following the Indo Pakistan war in 1975 may be cited as perfect example of refugee crisis, Nearly 100 billion people from than East Pakistan fled to neighbouring country India. Surprisingly horrendous killing of East Pakistanis by Military men from West Pakistan, was supported by some of the powerful countries of the world. When a separate  and sovereign nation, Bangladesh emerged, we are told that all the refugees went back to their country of birth as they did not fear persecution by new Govt of newly created nation. Horrendous killings were seen and credit goes to India which, despite of being threatened by super powers, stood by East Pakistan and liberated the oppressed people, we do not find any constructive role being played either by Red Cross and UNHCR.

CONFUSION. While the main cause of global migration is the search for a better economic life, concern over physical security are often the catalyst of  undertaking long, expensive and dangerous journey. The biggest hot zone for  forced migration is the eastern Mediterranean. Driven by extreme chaos and extreme violence in Syria and almost equally terrible conditions in parts of equatorial Africa, more than 5 million refugees reached Europe in 2020 .Another key zone that receives less attention is Latin America. There we see women children, and families fleeing from Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti to US. We need an international approach to deal with such challenge, ensuring that affected countries in Central America and Africa are creating consolidated efforts, whether these people qualify for status of refugees requires a team efforts. We must apply resources and technology to these challenges in creative and innovative ways.

SECURITY. When UNHCR was constituted, than there was no concern for security of the state except providing foods and shelters to the helpless refugees, but situation has changed. Now there is a real security dimension to deal with. We cannot ignore the danger that a large number of extremists with the help of some politicians have slipped in to these migrants and refugees streams as occurred in Europe and US. It is imperative to use sophisticated gadgets like bio metrics to help control the security dimension. It is all too easy to lose sight of the most critical reasons for dealing with migration humanly and judging refugees’ status fairly. The world can live up to that promise with an intelligent plan cantered on international cooperation.

Entire Europe is reeling under two type of threats, Pandemic and the Religious based extremism. Religious based terrorists have convulsed France, Netherlands, UK and to some extent Germany. France is the target of Tunisian, Moroccans and  immigrants from small countries, once controlled by Russia. These fanatics enjoy fruits of democracy and the secular value of a society unknown for sectarian violence, now a good amount of GDP is being spend on to maintain law and order in France. Germany for all practical has turned itself into an Arab country, without reducing Christians to minority. but the Syrians refugees were not welcomed by right wings political outfits  in Germany. As already stated the immigrants do not like advanced non-democratic countries like Russia, China, Japan, but they favor democratic countries which guarantees freedom to practice their religion with economic benefits. In US dirty politics is involved in welcoming immigrants just to fortify their vote banks. The Republicans who are opposed to immigrants are always at daggers hand with Democrats, who bestow favor upon these immigrants.

Rhongyas. No nation wants Rohingya as refugees. Their origin is shrouded in mystery even though they are Muslims and speak Bengal.They settled in Rakhine province in Myanmar, a peace-loving Buddhist country. These Rohingya demanded an autonomous province with separate laws based on their religion and even extra constitutional authorities. A large number of Rohingya have settled in modern Pakistan. Karachi is based in Pakistan and is filled with half a million Rohingya, but the Govt of Pakistan has not given the right of universal franchise to these Rhongyas. The entire world is blaming a poor Myanmar for crisis and there is sinister design to malign Aung Sui, a popular and respected woman politician of Myanmar for the crisis. Rhongyas  follow the culture of Bangladesh and a large number of these Rhongyas have been given temporary shelter to an island with minimum basic facilities. Bangladesh is predominantly a Muslims country but majority of Bangladeshi do not like Rohingya.

Religious Conundrum. Muslims constitute the majority  of refugees fleeing, to Europe and US. Most of the Islamic states are being ruled by autocrats or undemocratic ally elected government, which means election is held, but with massive rigging. Most of the rulers and political heads are corrupt accustomed to easy life. Out of poverty these poor people, flee to economic prosperous countries. We find a large number of Muslims refugees being sheltered in countries like Saudi Arabia.Turkey and small sheikhdoms of middle east, but these immigrants prefer European countries for economic betterment,

INDIA. India is facing refugees crisis from the day it achieved independence. India was divided on the basis of religion, with result a large number of non-Muslims migrated from West Pakistan amidst violence suffered by both Muslims and non-Muslims. Refugees from East Pakistan (now Bangla Desh) were  settled in Indian states bordering Bangladesh and Myanmar, Tripura and Assam, these refugees constitute major portion of the population, affecting original inhabitants, then there is steady flow of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and there is no central authority to monitor the migrants and everything is left upon state, Recently Central Government brought legislation which aim at detecting unauthorized and illegal entry of migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar.

EVALUATION. UNHCR is unable to cope with the situation, because this body was not created to deal with mass exodus of people. Multiples agencies are needed to attend different problems like terror, religion, health and economic betterment. In the case of Rohingyas, who are Muslims by religions are not welcomed anywhere in the world, but their problems are being highlighted beyond proportions, Just reverse is the case of YEZDIS of Iraq who have their  own religious belief and suffered terribly at the hands of ISIS, but UNCHR was more concerned with fleeing Syrians that the Yezidis, who were likely to be annihilated, but timely intervention by US saved the YEZDIS.In a way UNHCR has become a white elephant catering and listening to only influential nations.



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