Kim Jong Un. There is a tiny country in the Far East, being ruled by a young dictator who is in the habit of firing ballistic missiles and threatening neighbours of total destruction. That dictator is named as Kim Jong UN,  who excels in admiring China and an assertive Russia.This young dictator, is famous for Jumping, Thumping and Bumping. 

  Kim Jong UN's intransigence has become an increasing problem for China, the only friend of N Korea in the world. To Xi Jinping, the dictator of China ,the North Koreans are dangerous robbers under Kim, but are helpless for many reasons. While the young and neurotic dictator KimJjong Un is convinced that Xi Jinping has become a capitalist traitor. 

 It appears that both the dictators are right and complements each other. Kim Jong Un often disappears and reappears. Rumors were even set afloat that he was dead, due to certain heart disease, but he  reappeared limping, which means he has some serious health problems.. It was even predicted by the certain section of media, that Kim Un was toppled and that his sister was all set to become new dictator of N Korea .Kim Jong Un gained further attention when he ordered the execution of  his half brother.

EDUCATION, Kim Jong along with his sister were educated in Switzerland, but this country is not famous for imparting either quality or higher standard of education. Teaching of Homeopathy is regarded as the best education in Switzerland. The founding father of Quantum Physics suffered from Hay Fever and every year, in the fall, he used to go to Switzerland, where he relaxed till his hay fever subsided. It is not only difficult, but impossible to say whether Kim Jong or his sister received degree in Homeopathy, but it appears, he learned the virtues of a dictator in Switzerland. His father falsely propagated to simple people of North Korea, that he was a rising star, during his time, the planet Venus was shining in the sky brightly, and he took full advantage of equating himself with the planet VENUS. Due to excess drinking, he suffered from mysterious neurological disease, treated by a French doctor, but died mysteriously. Kim Jong UN's father had several wives and illegitimate children, but KIM JONG UN was chosen by the military junta, as he was educated in Switzerland and was found competent to lead a country of poor and malnourished. Moreover his elder brother was found unreliable and incompetent.

In 1961 China entered into an agreement with North Korea by which, China is bound to help N Korea in the event of foreign aggression. China is the largest trading partner(80 percent) of N Korea and is responsible for Kim Jong Un’s belligerence

NUCLEAR BLAST. Technically North Korea is neither war with S Korea, Japan or the USA, but N Korea regularly threaten to turn S Korea, Japan and the USA into seas of fire, and even stronger economic sanctions have failed to deter N Korea from carrying out Nuclear tests. Possession of nuclear arsenals by this tiny and poor nation, has disturbed the balance of power in the Korean peninsula. There is nothing for the USA to do anything meaningful to checkmate the madman of North Korea.

ENDGAME. Overambitious Jim Jong Un may be a threat to S Korea and Japan, but does not pose a global threat. North Korea flourish upon illegal trade like smuggling of narcotics,  and counterfeit drugs to China. South Korea continued to supply food grains on large scale to its estranged brother, but stopped the supply, once North Korea started carrying out nuclear tests followed by missiles launch.

 China is the only country, which can,  tame a country completely dependent upon it. It is stated that more than 300000 N Koreans are hiding in China. There is a Chinese city near the border of N Korea, by the name, DAN DONG, which is epicenter of legal and illegal trade with China. It is seen from a study of international politics of Far and East, that during the period of Donald Trump, N Korea conducted more nuclear and missiles tests and Kim Jong Un had several meeting with Donald Trump.

The USA has so far refused to acknowledge N Korea as a nuclear power and has imposed strict economic sanctions, crippling the economy of N Korea. So the endgame of China is not to disturb the fragile regime of N Korea, but instead create a buffer zone between Japan and China. Collapse of regime in Pyongyang means, unimaginable exodus of N Korean refugees to China, which faced 1400 kms long border with N Korea. It is also seen that Donald Trump was more interested in containing the economic superiority of China than punishing N Korea.

THAAD. Terminal High altitude Area Defense anti ballistic missile system is known as hit to kill technology, it destroy enemies missiles-even carrying nuclear arsenals by colliding with them with high speed. THAAD is more effective than Patriot anti missile device, provided to Israel during Iran and Iraq conflict, when every missiles towards the Jewish state was destroyedS Korea hosted THAAD and was not liked by China, which believes that THAAD puts its hegemony at risks and it may loss South China Sea. So it becomes more than crystal clear that China has lost its influence over N Korea, which sees nuclear capability as a necessary conditions for economic development and prosperity. But China would not mind, deserting all weather friend if it realizes that its economic prosperity is in doldrums, because of hard economic sanctions imposed upon Pyongyang.

HACKERS. Nothing is heard about the pandemic( Covid 19) in N Korea, but reports from S Korea reveal startling facts, most of the infected persons in N Korea were executed. North Korea tried unsuccessfully to hack Pfizer vaccines. According to one report from S Korea, Pyongyang runs 7000 professional hackers engaged in fraud, blackmails and online gambling that generate annual revenue to the tune of 900 million Dollars.

UNIFICATION of two Korea seem to an impossible dream as all the stakeholders except, S Korea has not shown any interest. South Korea now accounts for more than 9% of direct foreign investment in China and is worried that a united Korea would be awkward to deal with. Anti Chinese sentiment in S Korea is easily aroused. China also fears that a large number of ethnic Koreans  in the border region could in future demand secession from China, and integration into a united Korea with the help of opportunists like Japan and the USA.

 It is also feared that an united Korea with advance technology may achieve parity with China and adversely affect its superiority in economic prosperity. Actually it is this fear, which is haunting the ruling class in China, giving them restless night. Chinese companies hungrily eyeing N Korea’s raw materials ,like iron ores, coal and gold. North Korea in absence of modern technology has welcomed Chinese companies to develop its mines and generate revenue. Japan has declared that N Korea’s nuclear tests will not prompt it to pursue its own nuclear ambition. In fact, both China and the USA are afraid of Japan, and fear that an united Korea would side with Japan, despite the hard facts that Korea suffered at the hands of Japanese soldiers during the second world war. Meanwhile the Pentagon has declared that the US was not going to live with a nuclear N Korea. But for an ailing Jong Un, atom bomb is an equalizer secure in his family legacy while forcing the global community to treat N Korea as an equal . But his family legacy is in danger ,he is himself in danger. 

Final Words. A nuclear N Korea is dangerous, but less dangerous than Pakistan and Iran. N Korea happens to be a poor country, excelling only in its ability to manufacture crude nuclear arsenals which are vulnerable to THAAD .  In North Korea, every year we hear thousands of deaths due to hunger and undernourishment. Hermit Kingdom has disappeared, leaving behind fond of memory of a peace loving Buddhist country.


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