Years ago a very handsome Jewish youth described Iran, than ruled by Ayatollah Ali Khamenie as the Messianic cult,  the youth was destined to become the prime minister of the Jewish state, but his concept of Messianic apocalyptic cult is proving wrong. The existence of Israel has been recognized by  many Muslims majority states including states, which participated in the war of 1956/57 against Israel. Iran is not in a position to play the role of Messianic apocalyptic cult. It is so because Iran itself fears its own annihilation,  not by Israel, but by a group of Islamic nations.

 NUCLEAR POWER.  Iran is on the threshold of becoming a nuclear power. Pakistan as a nuclear power is posing threat to more powerful India. But Iran’s nuclear arsenal means, threat to weaker Islamic states and the mighty USA. There is another joker on this planet who is obsessed with the idea of annihilating the mightiest power on the earth and  his name happened to be Kim Jon Un  of N Korea.  China is bound to defend N Korea by a treaty of 1963 even if it means direct confrontation  with USA.  But Iran is not N Korea. Iran has the wealth and capacity to defend its sovereignty against all odds, but is afraid of economic sanctions. Iran has defied the Security Council’s direction to stop enriching Uranium and declared war on Iran’s internal reformists, who they suspect are agents of the West. But the dangers are that if  Iran develops nuclear weapons they  might fall into the hands of terrorists.  It has elements of democracy, an elected parliament and an elected president. But ultimate political power lies in the hand of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,  who with elite, but corrupt Revolutionary Guard and a group of corrupt billionaire Clerics are hell bent on shaping the destiny of a prosperous Iran.

Contrary to Saudi Arabia, young people in the street of Tehran and in other town dress themselves in latest fashion, even if the jeans clad women  are obliged by  Mullahs to wear headscarf. But they are  bored by the slogan of a long ago revolution, and impatient to move on. If given an option, educated Iranian women would not mind migrating in large number to Canada and work there as health workers and teachers. It has been developing ever since  the Ayatollahs and his coterie  began to fear that  their revolution would not survive the encroachment of Western ideas, satellite televisions and the rise of a generation that had no direct memory of revolution.

 PROGRESS. Americans say that Iran may have nuclear bomb by the end of 2021 but is it possible? Making and preparing the fuel is the hardest part. Iran may have 3000 centrifuges hooked up by the end of this year and their maximum is up to  5000 centrifuges How to put up  centrifuges into a nuclear weapon  will take time, but some body is keenly watching every step being taken by the Ayatollahs and Mullahs. And that somebody is none other than the man who once denounced Iran as a Messianic apocalyptic cult. Iran has its own nuclear raw materials and possesses much of the relevant technology A further danger is that if , once Iran went nuclear others in the region like Turkey and Saudi Arabia might feel to compel to follow.

 While some of its neighbors  struggle with commodity based economics, Iran is busy reinventing itself as logistic and service hubs. Several things have come together to produce extraordinary boom. Despite of economic sanction , the economy will expand by more than 10 percent, this is faster than elsewhere in central Asia (Source IMF) The late Shah was an autocrat, but cared for general uplift of common Iranian and did not care for the Clerics and the Mullahs. Actually Iran under the ousted king made rapid progress in the field of industries. He created necessary infrastructure for manufacturing activities. Rome was not built in one day and certainly modern Iran was not created by Ayatollah and greedy Mullahs. In religious matters the Shah simply ignored the Clerics and this resulted in general uprising in the only Shiite majority state on the earth.

 The Late Shah Pehlevi also supplied oil to Israel invoking the wrath of other Islamic states. So with the ouster of the Iranian king, the first Ayatollah Khomeini found an Iran already on the path of an emerging economy. The ousted King of Iran also conceived idea of generating nuclear power for peaceful purpose . With the introduction of internet based communication a new dimension was added to economics. With so much oil revenue under his disposal, the first Ayatollahs Rohilla Khomeini was compelled to spread education and create more infrastructures for future economic growth. Study of contemporary Iran revels interesting facts. While prescribing strict dress code for women,they were also encouraged to receive modern education, this run contrary to the philosophy of Wahhabi and Taliban who oppose modern education for women.

 CORRUPTION The present Ayatollahs  is not without scandal free. A handful of families continue to control the national wealth and  most of the high ranking Revolutionary Guards and Clerics are highly corrupt. If Iran’s boom is to propel it swiftly to developed country  over the next decade, it would help, if  it rested  on a strong institutional foundation propel.   The West is not at all convinced that escalation of sanction would help ease the tension, this could simply provoke an embattled Iran to adopt more belligerence towards Saudi Arabia and USA and above all Israel.

 RECONCILIATION. An attempt at reconciliation between The US and Iran sputtered into life with the entry of Joe Biden into White House. Iran’s internationally recognized president Ruhani was but hitherto ineffective president who favored reconciliation, but few experts were betting on success. Reconciliation with Iran means annoying Sunnis majority neighboring states and the Pentagon may resort orthodox methods not to antagonise Saudi Arabia by supplying sophisticated killing machines perhaps more deadly than nuclear arsenals. And that may distract Iran from gaining a nuclear bomb. Donald Trump’s policy War on terror was  a bumper  Stricter but unlikely to be followed by Biden. Situation has rapidly changed in the middle east as is evident from recognition of Israel by its neighboring countries. It appears Biden is no longer a policy   neophyte but he has himself positioned as the voice of his party’s left wing who are generally  anti sematic. Anti West and anti USA. Agitation  in Iran has been  fueled by  a brew of misunderstanding and opportunism that prevails in much of the Middle East.In that sense this anti West feeling in the Shiite nation has resulted in religiously infused brand of democracy in Sunni majority states

.Meanwhile Iran has elected a new hardliner president Ebrahim Raisi, who is popularly known as hanging judge. Ebrahim Raisi has been called as Butcher of Tehran by Israel.

 After change of Guards in the White Househectic political activities in Central Asia are being seen. This is not surprising, traditionally, The Democrats are anti Iran and pro Saudis, after all it was democrats who conferred upon China as the most favored nation. We see a different form of political equations in Central Asia. Iran is no more serious of destroying Israel, which is capable of defending itself without the  help of US.  It is doubtful if any Iranian leaders including a neurotic Ahmadinejad and the paranoid Ayatollah, ever talked of destroying the Jewish state, Iranians are simply interested in creating a Shiite Palestine state and is funding terrorist organization like HizBulla and the Hamas .

FEAR OF ATTACK.     CIA never tells a wanted Iranian that you are wanted, just entertain them, befriend them and eliminate them as is evident from killing of Iranian General Soleimani  in an American air raid. But brutal killing of a leading Iranian Nuclear scientist prove that the Mossad is far advanced in applying the principle ‘just eliminate’ them without courting a friendship.

APPLE AND F.B.I. Three years ago there was terror attack by a Lone Wolf in the US in a night club, wherein a large number of Transgenders were merrymaking, more than 50 of these unfortunate persons were killed by an Afghan terrorist, who was also shot dead. Later on the FBI found that the dead Afghan had conversation with some persons by an Apple smartphone. The FBI sought assistance of Tim Cook. who refused to assist in the name of privacy and roared like an African lion ‘I am Proud to be an American Homo Sexual. FBI lost case in a court of law and after searching every nook and corner of the earth, turned to MOSSAD, who cracked the smartphone’s  code and the companions of the Lone Wolf are languishing in maximum security prison. 

In a way Israel has learnt to live with in such a hostile situation, The US may resort to air attack upon the Iranian nuclear manufacturing centers but for Israel, it is impossible to cross 1100km (Iraq and Syria both Iran’s allies). Mossad simply  will go to Iran in groups, cause havoc and slip away. it is called as Dogs of War. Israel  has learned lesson from the Munich Olympic where the German intelligence displayed its incompetence by allowing the Palestinians terrorists to butcher sportsmen from the Jewish state., in a way Indian RAW is more superior than German intelligence Agency. So Iran will never dare to nuke the Jewish state without losing at least 10 millions Iranian. Iran with deadly nuclear arsenals will fight its only rival Saudi Arabia for supremacy

 THE FIRE IN HELL. Saudi Arabia is constantly exporting Wahhabi and Salafis to different parts of Gray Area who preach Jihads, but Iran afraid of being surrounded by hostile elements would simply export its own brand of terrorists only to Gaza and Hamas controlled territory, as Iran has no poison in the form of Wahhabi and Salafis. Joe Biden knows that reconciliation with Iran and not economic sanction may prevent Iran from tilting to China and  Russia and thereby preventing a new variant of Cold War. But what an irony!. Iran has already tilted towards China and Russia and Saudi Arabia losing battle in Yemen has  frightened the Pentagon.


 The handsome Jewish youth who coined Messianic cult for Iranian regime was PM of the Jewish state. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and BenzamineNetanyaho were sincerely following the principle, Live and Die.


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